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José Chulvi's 2020 report: "A year dedicated to people and building the future"

31 December 2020 - 11: 22

To say that 2020 has been difficult is already a topic that does not do justice to reality. It has been more than difficult and we will carry it burned forever. For what he made us suffer and also for what he taught us. It is in the face of challenges when societies and individuals prove their character and Xàbia has done so admirably.

The joint effort of civil society and the Administration, businessmen, workers and families, professionals and volunteers, has been the key to moving forward. There is still a way to go. The virus is still spreading through the streets and attacking the people we love, but we are doing well and we have to stay strong and united.

For the government team, 2020 has meant working in two distances: in the short, in what was urgent that determined the COVID crisis and in the long run, in what is important that affects the planning of the people we want. Giving our best in our day-to-day lives to help people who needed us has not prevented us from taking ambitious steps in providing infrastructure and services. This year, it has not been a lost year.

Thus, in terms of the socio-sanitary emergency, we have allocated around 3.000.000 euros in social services, and 1.590.000 to integrate the most vulnerable families into the labor market. In addition, we have dedicated 1 million in aid to economic reactivation for companies in Xàbia. And this only directly, because the occupancy rate for public roads has also stopped being charged, the expansion of terraces or the tourist concession canyons have been reduced. All this, 5 euros that businessmen have been able to allocate to create wealth and sustain the occupation. To this should be added the million euros in social funds for aid from Amjasa or the close to 30.000 euros in institutional campaigns to stimulate local consumption.

But don't let the figures make us lose sight of what matters: what we have done is mobilize all the necessary resources to be with people. We are in this together and in Xàbia nobody will be left behind.

On the contrary, this year we have achieved very important improvements in our town. Some of them are historic, such as the new Triana bridge, the Cristo de Mar ramp or the partial pedestrianization of the Montañar to recover a unique bay in the Mediterranean. In addition, the Customs neighborhood has a new, free, illuminated and paved parking for 160 vehicles. The avenue dels Furs, the sidewalks of Juan Carlos I, the Thiviers pluvial and the wall of the Gorgos river have been completely renovated. And roads such as Pic Tort have been paved to provide better service on the beach of La granadella. This in terms of the most visible things, but in 2020 we have also renovated 12 kilometers of the drinking water supply network, we have improved the self-protection and emergency plans and we have protected our natural environment.

And, above all, we have laid the foundations for an exciting 2021, in which recovery is a reality. Next year the municipal swimming pool will already take shape (since it was promised to us in 2005), the Municipal Auditorium will restart its work, we will begin the works of the Lighthouse of the Cap de Sant Antoni and we will continue to improve educational centers thanks to the impulse of the Generalitat Valenciana.

For all this, let's say goodbye to 2020 satisfied, despite the pain, because in Xàbia we have known how to take care of the present without forgetting the future. Courage, strength and forward!

Statement against the increase in COVID

  1. Veronica says:

    Moltes gràcies Serafin! Every insult deixa clar com sou. Mentres who defend us the dret to our culture, our memory and our future, you choose for a cost of the boqueta. No ho saps, but in reality you are doing a great favor.

  2. Suzanne says:

    I just want to say that those who write in Valencian in a medium that is experienced in Castilian, demonstrate two things: the leg of their lives gives them away and on the other hand, seriously, that it is unfortunate what is coming our way.

    • Miquel says:

      No Susana, the ones who wrote in valencià represent a part of the linguistic reality of our territory. I express myself in an official, traditional and cultural language. Unfortunately I did not write as well as you (quina syntaxi, quina lexic, quina precissió), but I did not lose hope. Continue to defend the language in which we are going to learn to estimate our three pairs and what is related to this piece of terra des de favora 800 years.

  3. Pillar says:

    Exclusively those of the PSOE follow the game, the rest of JÁVEA we continue hallucinating the consequences of having this man in the Mayor's Office.
    Hallucinating in colors.

    • sapristi says:

      A vore com t'ho conte, Pilar. The veïnat of Xàbia votem every quatre anys… and això are math. Qui més recolçaments tea, guanya. Since 2011… One other thing is that the Margor trade union remains here to create and press fort els punyets. But, mentrestant, the normal people of life, the poor millora, les people s'esforcen ...

      • Pillar says:

        Too bad, you wanted to tell me something but being in Valencian I have not found out.
        Perhaps if you do it in Spanish, which is in the language that I have written, I will find out.
        This must be a matter of nationalism, you don't care about everything, you in Valencian even if they don't understand you, like the Mayor and his alarm message, perfect, well, nothing, yourself.

        • sapristi says:

          Bé not really volia to say to you directly, benevolent. In els debats oberts, face that the interpel·lació remains personal, the recipient is public. It is not filled that you do not understand.

  4. Francisco Barto says:

    Lower your salary boy, you know you're freaking out a lot.

    In real life you would not even reach a THOUSAND EUROS, and you know it.

    Come on, imagine you know what decency is and lower your salary, if only for having empathy with those who do not even have a salary.

    What a gang you are made of !!!!

  5. Anonymous says:

    More facade than a skyscraper

  6. Silvia says:

    This year Chulvi you have covered yourself with glory with your feats, with all of them.
    You have a promising future, you meet the requirements to rise to the top, incompetence and pride.
    For all champion !!!
