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Harsh criticism Chulvi management in presenting the candidacy of Tere Ern

May 13 from 2015 - 09: 07

With less than two weeks before the municipal elections the dialectic temperature is rising. In presenting the popular candidate who tops Tere Ern, The critics regarding the management Chulvi has done as mayor. Curiously, the Socialist candidate was the focus of criticism, and everyone forgot their government partners.

The popular candidate, Teresa Ern and his team presented the proposals of the electoral program showing the change that needs Jávea from next May 24.

Teresa Ern during his speech

The popular alcaldable of Xàbia, Tere Ern, introduced the members of his team wrapped up near 300 neighbors in a ceremony held at the Jayan film and which was also supporting her vice president of the Consell and president of the PP in Alicante, José Ciscar and popular MEP Eva Ortiz. They also wanted to lend their support, the mayor of Denia, Ana Kringe with part of his team and the Mayor of Gata de Gorgos, Mª Teresa Signes.

Ern shared the illusion of his teammates "a list of men and women who gathered nearby, youth and experience to change the future of Xàbia, be the first woman mayor of Xàbia by the Popular Party", affirmed the popular candidate who added that she embarked on this project to work for a better Jávea, "a Jávea that needs a change in the management of the town hall".

He never thought of privatizing gravel beach

Candidates were presented one by one, being some of the neighboring members of the port area, who were reeled off some of the proposals that make up the electoral program of the Popular Party.

It is an important point that discussed privatization Grava beachBoth popular candidates as vice president of the Consell, Jose Ciscar, said that neither the PP nor the Generalitat Valenciana Xàbia privatized this beach.

Among the proposals contemplates the Ern Tere team in their work purposes in the next legislature is improving lighting, roads and parking areas, both in the area of ​​Customs of the sea and on the Arenal area.

Popular bet in health to improve services Health Center, pretending to be installed X-Ray Service Ern at its first meeting stressed that the PP is committed to promoting employment providing more opportunities for the unemployed and young people, lower taxes and provide better management of parkings.

Rosa Ortuño component of the popular list

Construction of the Paseo del Montañar and the athletics track

The popular candidate for mayor highlighted one of the great projects that would provide a better image and greater tourism, such as the execution of the Paseo Marítimo del "first Montañar", adapted to the Natural Environment and thus connecting the area of ​​the Port with the Arenal. Ern added that now in Jávea the construction of the athletics track and the provision of improvements in sports facilities is necessary.

Chulvi charges the highest salary

The event was closed by the provincial president of the Popular Party, José Ciscar, he said "Do not be deceived, your mayor could not collect two salaries, the mayor and deputy. I was clear he stayed with the highest".

In his broad speech, José Ciscar warned "the Government will not privatize La Grava beach nor will it allow the construction of a hotel in the Cape San Antonio lighthouse"The popular said that his party bets on Tere Ern"a woman of Javea, with enthusiasm by the people and eager to work for a change in location"."He is an honest person with good ideas, and has a new team, with the best list you can count on the municipality to progress"said Ciscar.

Ciscar in his speech

In the act was presented the video in which each of the candidates and the generic Popular Party. It also honored the alternate candidate, Angeles Bas, who has always remained in the party, is the member who has been in the Popular Party for most years and was the first photographer in the town.

  1. Reuss Erika Galindo says:

    I agree with the comment of Eduardo Briones, especially with regard to urbanize and NOT fill all cement. Jávea became famous for its beauty by maintaining its old buildings, especially in the historic center, though there have been many barbarities, and its landscape without degrading. If now, in addition to the savagery of expanding the channel Fontana (just to get money and fill car) also wants to develop the first Montañar, what will remain? Many of us have no car nor we need it, especially if the municipal bus schedule and we like to walk, walk and enjoy an environment, although quite degraded, still nice and green expands. It seems that a few politicians like nature and prefer to fill all concrete, asphalt and cars; of course that produces more economic benefits, but Gentlemen! Not everything has to be money.

  2. Bill says:

    The funny thing is that I do not remember a better Xàbia in recent times, that I do not say that his management has been impeccable, but infinitely better than those that preceded him and my memory leaves me to remember.

    On the subject of gravel, spare clarification since the Spanish constitution as the use of the coast is open and free, so any attempt to privatize it would run directly against the Spanish Constitution.


    It is good to build the truth and improve the system, that no mayor or any politician or any staff member to collect two salaries of public administration, the public money, either party it and better if the salaries of politicians of all limited to once, it can not be, nor is it reasonable that a politician who has a vocation for service and desire to help their neighbors and citizens charged more than a surgeon or a school principal, who have years of study ahead and if you provide a service sometimes unpayable society in this country many politicians enjoy privileges, salaries, which are absolutely inchorencias with his words of service and work for citizenship. both the PP and the PSOE, CiU, UPD is not a problem of ideologies but atica laws and not to circumvent the law. Envelopes and bonuses in many political formations explain the cost of the work published many times. Only citizens may end it at the ballot box and not be fooled by false promises. No economic growth as lighthouse or guide, if the growth of welfare ,. the growth of happiness, peace and harmony of the inhabitants of xabia. NO aurbanizar and filling the cement and concrete montañar. We preserve the uniqueness and beauty of XABIA.
