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Opinion: Isabel Bolufer (PSOE): 'Tots the politics are not the same'

May 12 from 2015 - 21: 45

L'èxit dels tecnòcrates is going to say for the first time that all the same policies are the same. The missatge is going to be poc a poc through the six canals fins that the idea goes that some unpresentable is to behave as if, effectively, tot fora i tinguera equal.

Ells do not turn the canvi, but the disinterest; that the people s'allunyara de les idees i els valors per tal deixar el camí lliure als professionals del mercat. The end of the history se'l sabeu, veritat? Whoever claims socialism and progress has ensued that això was going to be fashionable. I repeat: tots els polítics are equal, tots els polítics are equal, tots els polítics ...

Doncs no, benvolguts and benvolgudes, tots are not the same. Not from lluny! Jo not only the same. José Chulvi it is not the same.
Vaig is the first governor of the City Council of Xàbia. It was l'any 1983 i aleshores encetàvem the democracy that tants anys i tant de patiment ens havia costat d'aconseguir. Tot was nou i the tresor that I had in mans l'havíem de fer créixer amb cura i amb força. Estàvem construint the futur; Little joke.

Hui month anys trenta després conviccions meues them are intactes. I meua força the també, perque I trobat in llista Xàbia PSOE in the figure i José Chulvi the necessaria confiança per creure that political bona, which is focused on the gent benestar which som i care, tea sentit més que mai.

Tots som same? If voleu, comparem. In these quatre anys, the program of the socialists of Xàbia s'ha complit in more than one 95% i tot i will have a pressupost 8 milions d'euros més baix that in l'exercici previous s'ha augmentat the game destined to serveis socials ia obrir treball horses. Tenim a mayor who has renounced to collect a penny from the City Council of Xàbia and eixos diners estalviats els hem destinat to protect the most vulnerable.

Hem obert les portes i finestres de l'Administració per tal that remains transparent, ethical and participatory. Fins and tot the policy is different: in front of situations in which the governor is going to use with an inbreeding and arbitrary ferramenta, both José Chulvi have participated in the decisions of importance not nominated by the governor, but also by the regidors of the government. He opposed the citizens and citizens through the participatory councils.

For some other part, hem canviat l'orientació de l'economia del nostre poble i hem fet fora els moviments that speculate on the territory, so that we can focus on a different tipus d'obres, les del xicotet urbanisme: those who Fan of easy life every day as soon as you come and see them, that Xàbia fan companies for a people of Xàbia and help you to have a poble every day more friendly and obert.

Prova from which the nova station was station d'autobusos, els espais publics that hem adequat, els 40 kilometers of vials asfaltats, l'apertura of Via Augusta, the library of the port, the Central Cinema, els molins, els forns de calç , the riurau, the millora in l'enllumenat, the rehabilitació d'avingudes ... or the commitment of fer in this legislature the passeig of the Muntanyar. Totes eixes intervencions respond to uns valors and a projecte de poble.

I thought whether amb altres governs i altres polítics quan parlàvem d'obres to Xàbia is referring to això or to squandering our heritage so that they will negotiate “amiguitos soul". Mireu some ghost urbanització em refused to anomenar i després fixeu-vos les millor in els barris. A eixa em referisc difference. Neither month nor menys that Això is the one in the 24 joc de maig. Ningú that vulga ens com ara vendre solucions només futur which is a viatge the Passat.

The socialists of Xàbia do not have the same perquè because they had a solid tradition in values ​​and not in the same way. Not a pam. Som the one that som i ho volem continue feeling amb tots vosaltres. For això you call on the vote for José Chulvi with the mayor of Xàbia. Ens mereixem continue in positiu!

Junts som Xàbia! Amb Chulvi, yes!

Isabel Bolufer
No. 2. Socialists Jávea

1 Comment

    You're right not all politicians are the same, why not be all the same I am surprised that some performances and distribution of monies equal with Mr. Moragues, with Mr Monfort and Mr Chulvi, despite the obvious and indisputable differences personality, character and ideology or political affiliation, the 3 governments, here is not only the mayor but the government team, the 3 governments have given the same subsidy and my importance to the AMPAS and APASA, ie for AMPAS € 1.000 3 support of governments, and APASA around the 50.000 € each year so in its legislature APASA municipal government receives 200.000 and 4.000 AMPAS receive €. If we talk about international cooperation, international solidarity, the attitude of governments 3 also very similar. Grants to various associations are practically the same with 3 governments, that means that if an association progresses and improvement and other stagnates almost treated equally. Not all politicians are the same but precisely why one does not understand the similarity and resemblance in the management of budgetary and support items. indeed grateful that Mr Chulvi give up his salary as mayor, that honors him and makes clear that its main priority is not to get rich in politics, but what is never said and that's why I say that as appears party web net annual income is € 47.000 being deputy. I would have to do is change the different political laws that allow fellow ostenten two counts parties and carried almost 100.000 € per year from public coffers. That's what needs to be changed to prevent any politician in this country charged for two counts without having to give up one of them. Mr Chulvi honored his resignation but I think in the interests of transparency and new ways of doing politics as a deputy to report that net charges € 47.000 each term. Leave the link, this is good transparency citizens know the reality better. Betting on transparency is always good.
    https://transdocs.psoe.es/3eb1afab119be58f847b1bb64dc669b4/002.pdf. As Ghandi said, most atrocious thing about bad things from bad people is the silence of good people. Courageously denounce the party colleagues and charged two salaries are politicians who charge more than a surgeon and more than a high school principal. A better world is possible and better XABIA is also possible. But for this we must change and revise many of the budget items that are € 200 million per term. Transparency and citizen participation are good endow of resources and means to make them easier to citizens.
