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Isabel Bolufer announced the reactivation of the Council of Planning and Environment

06 October 2015 - 15: 39

The Department of Urban Planning of Xàbia plans to reactivate the "Consultiu Consell d'Urbanisme i Medi Ambient", the advisory body in which, since the last legislature, relevant issues have been debated before the plenary session decides Town hall.

The department has set the first meeting in mid-November and in compliance with the rules of the body should carry out a forced renewal of representatives by the change of term.

Councilwoman Isabel Bolufer Planning and Environment

That is why the responsible mayor, Isabel Bolufer, has appealed to the different associations with representation in the "Consell"(from neighbors, businessmen and professionals related to the sector, both at the technical level and urban development) to designate as soon as possible a holder and one or two alternates with whom to be well represented in this council.

The groups involved can do so in the email of the citizen service office oac@ajxabia.org or directly at these municipal offices (Avenida Trenc d'Alba number 2), which from now on will also host the meetings of the "consell"These, the councilor recalls, have a public character, so that anyone can attend as a listener if they are interested in the topic to be discussed.

Bolufer stresses the importance of citizen participation in urban planning, as it is the one that marks the guidelines with the environment and the landscape is transformed. And more in these years that he is putting together a new General Plan, a document that Councilwoman own municipal technicians are working on a weekly basis by the writing team.

He "Consultiu Consell d'Urbanisme i Medi Ambient"it will begin to roll with some of the subjects that were pending of the last legislature.

1 Comment
  1. jose says:

    FOR COUNCILOR Environment.-
    · The Azorin street there are clearings where there have been bottles, months ago, there are containers that are filled with works for months and resulted in the clearing quoted TRASH IS FULL
