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Xàbia completes the repair of the Paseo de la Caleta

09 June 2020 - 14: 56

El Javea Town Hall finalizing the repair of one of the promenades most damaged by the storm Gloria, l'Escala-Empúries Caleta.

The work, which has been carried out by one of the municipal contracts, has involved the relocation of all the paving stones that devastated the storm and the replacement by this same material of the wooden roof that this walkway had in front of the Guillermo Pons roundabout with what gives continuity to the entire coastal strip. In addition, a ramp has been made to the rocky area and new lampposts have been installed.

Mayor, José Chulvi, and the Councilor for Works, Isabel Bolufer, have supervised the works this morning and verified that the repair is practically complete in the absence of installing the new urban furniture.

  1. Samuel says:

    Mara, enjoy your language, the one that serves to speak to everyone, which is nothing separatist and full of love.
    That serves to unite Spain, which is inclusive, which is what we should all do, speak Valencian and bury Spanish.
    Enjoy Mara of your VALENCIAN NATION, fill your lungs with the pride of your language. LONG LIVE THE VALENCIAN LANGUAGE !!!!
    No ?, do you stay calmer like this?

    Note: From Javea I am a lifelong, my parents and grandparents and my grandparents' grandparents, and I still do not give credit with this antics of the "Valencian language" that is MANDATORY in school.

    • Amadeu says:

      Normally I do not participate in debates, but this is an interesting look. Valencià is mandatory in the school because it is an official language. Fi of the debate. It is an agreement that carries a valid vora quaranta anys and that they have ratified all the parties, from the end to the esquerra. From the most centralists to the regionalists, nationalists, federalists ... tots.
      Altrament, I said ironically that the Valencia is separatist. Eixa barbaritat you invent it. A pot to speak in valencià, in gallec, in català or in basc and not to fly the separation of eixos territories. Suppose that you suposes only fa més xicoteta and més allada la notció del castellà. And in the end it will pass the same as the flag, which because of the excloent and partisan who is fa, ends up feeling rebutted by many people who, in normal conditions, would not have a problem with it. Ah, jo també soc from Xàbia, like the whole family. I have been educated in Valencià and not only do you speak this language, but also Castilian and English. Because I believe that I will learn a language correctly, it does not prevent me from mastering-and you have high levels of solvency. Breathe, Samuel.

      • Samuel says:

        No idea what you say, you rudely write in Valencian when they write to you in Spanish.
        If someone writes me in French, or English, or German, it does not occur to me to reply in Spanish, it is a matter of logic.
        Well, nothing, enjoy your nationalism!

        • Amadeu says:

          Xe, Samuel, did you say that you are from Xàbia? If it is així, m´entens fàcilment. Just name a coin: "have fun" goes sense "h". Escriu la llengua que vulgues, però fes-ho bé.
          I bé, veig que continues associant Escriure en valencià amb ser nacionalista. It is not always així, but to the country that I will advise you. One abracada.

  2. Mara's neighbor says:

    That information panel may be on the side, not in the middle of the view, I have gone to see it and I do not understand it either.

    At no time has Luis denied its value, informative and what the City Council wants to give him, I understand, but DO NOT PUT IT IN HALF OF THE VIEW, please.

    I understand that those of the City Council are justifying that it is fine in the middle of the panorama, but Luis's comment seems logical to me, another thing is that in Politics it is necessary to justify the illogical, like responding in Valencian to those who speak to you in Spanish, right Mara?
    It is what it is, right? What are we going to wait for? ...

    • Mara says:

      A vore, veïna, jo wrote in the language that vull, is it clear? I valencià is the full language. In addition, you might understand that in a public debate you do not answer the interlocutor but that you communicate per a tots els qui lligen. I ho ho faig in the meua llengua. What happens, what can't I support?
      Au cacau

      • Sandra rui says:

        Go ahead you are rude, if they speak to you in Spanish and you answer in Valencian, you are, here and in Beijing.
        What patience must be had with small-town nationalists like you.
        I hope you are happy with your language, that it is of no use other than to communicate with people like you, that you have a good time!
        a beautiful greeting!

        • Mara says:

          No, no, no, benevolent. The raó de perquè wrote in valencià and I have donated it. The problem is that I cannot support that I live in a Community with two distinct languages. I have the freedom to serve you in any circumstances. Respect als teus bons desitjos, te'ls agraïsc ben sinzerament. Soc molt feliç fent les coses així. An altra salutació (affectionate) for you. Beautiful.

        • Salvador says:

          Hello Sandra, I am a neighbor from Almería who knows Jávea well and loves you. And it seems to me that your attitude of insulting those who write in their mother tongue only separates us more. I love Valencian and I think the natural thing is that they use it wherever and whenever they want. Calling someone a "small-town nationalist" is rude and risky. For my part, "Enchanted to arrive the valencià". A friend.

  3. Luis says:

    Oil, oil and oil to the one who has put the information sign right in the middle of the Vista, hahaha, GORGEOUS !!!
    There was no other place, no, perfect, in the middle tol !!!! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA
    Anyway, you have to be a genius.
    At home we laughed a lot commenting on the play after the walk.

    • Sergi says:

      Does a sign there really bother you? Really, how bored you are. And in any case it will be in "medium tol" depending on where you put yourself. It seems to me a necessary informative poster, integrated into the landscape and in a good place. It values ​​what we have. But nothing, just keep laughing. HAHAHAHAHAHAHA. and such.

      • Luis says:

        Yes Sergi, it's in «TOL MEDIO».
        It could be put on one side, in a corner, the function would be the same and it would not be in «TOL MEDIO».
        I'm not bored, just that I don't "clap" what I see is wrong, and can it be done better, does it bother you?
        For some reason it bothers you that I can give my opinion of how I see things?
        Of course I will have a laugh, more would be missing !!!

        • Mara says:

          It is a panell informatiu that rocks and does not bother. It contributes afegit value to the landscape, precisely explaining it. This information is accessible and donate the value, also in the location.
