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La Penya 'La Marina' celebrated its 57th anniversary and its annual assembly

November 20 from 2018 - 06: 59

La Penya "La Marina", Celebrated his 57 Anniversary in the restaurant Pòsit de Xàbia at the same time took the opportunity to hold the Ordinary General Assembly of the Football Club La Marina.

With the attendance of a hundred members, the beginning of it was the reading and approval of the minutes of the previous assembly. Next, the economic balance was announced, in which the President, José Antonio Buigues Vallés, highlighted the continued growth of the penya.

Buigues stressed that in addition to the celebration of the annual dinner, the true spirit of the club is still supporting the sport base, especially football. At the school of Penya La Marina, there are 150 boys and girls, distributed in 5 federated teams plus other 5 that participate in the local league, which they organize themselves.

Request for improvements in the Mezquites field

Taking advantage of the presence of the mayor, José Chulvi, the president reminded him that the facilities of the Camp Mezquites, they are small, they need some basic services such as public toilets, an office, a couple of more changing rooms and a small step.

The act closed it, the mayor, who thanked everyone for the great effort they make in their support of the sport. He highlighted the trajectory of the club in the training of children to convey the values ​​of sport. He ended his speech by picking up the glove that moments before, José Buigues, he had launched about the improvements needed by the sports facility, according to Chulvi, it seems that some are already underway.

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