The Department of Sports of Xàbia has presented today a new appointment of one of the great bets of the department: its training plan. As explained by its manager Alberto Tur, this project –in which the Town Hall It goes hand in hand with the Association of Sports Managers of the Valencian Community - different issues and concerns that are sent to them from the clubs will be addressed.
After the success of the first training action (focused on the relationship of the clubs with the administration) the proposal focuses on one of the biggest challenges: making sport a real vehicle for transmitting positive values and tools, especially to children.
Throughout the month of April and May, several workshops have been scheduled by the expert coaching consultant Wilea aimed at athletes from 6 to 18 years of age to address, according to age groups and through participatory dynamics, how to manage emotions, team identity, success and failure, decision-making and working on values such as integrity, trust, emotional and physical health, teamwork or respect.
The talks will be in the Multipurpose Room on Thursdays -from April 20 to May 18- in the afternoon- at 19:00 p.m.-.
But there are also two others for adults. One specifically for coaches entitled "What happens in the locker room does not stay in the locker room" and which appeals to the coaches' ability to influence young people and in which different types of leadership will be worked on. Finally, there is also another one designed for families called "educate talent" that aims to involve them in motivating their children when it comes to practicing.
sport from the positive, identifying talent and encouraging effort.
The speakers of the talks are Toño Galán, Mode Coloma and Aida Pastor, experts in educational coaching. Registrations -free- will be processed through sports clubs and municipal schools.
sports coaching?
Oh my ...