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The IES La Mar de Xàbia promotes technological innovation with the 'BITXàbIA' IT conferences

07 March 2024 - 13: 40

The Institute of Secondary Education (IES) La Mar de Xàbia announces the holding of its next BITXàbIA Computer Conferences, an event designed to position its mid-grade Vocational Training cycles
and a higher degree in Computer Science as references in technological education. Renowned speakers in the technology sector will participate in the conference, from March 11 to 13. In addition, there will be workshops on ethical hacking, game programming, etc., aimed at ESO and Baccalaureate students, to encourage their interest in computer science cycles and facilitate the exchange of ideas with students of said cycles.

Innovation, Entrepreneurship and Cutting-Edge Education

These days are part of the commitment of the IES La Mar of Xàbia with educational innovation and the professional development of its students. The program will include a series of workshops and presentations focused on the latest trends and emerging technologies, entrepreneurship and professional development.

Students and attendees will be able to learn from experts and industry leaders, who will share knowledge and experiences in virtualization, video game programming, high availability clusters, etc. Among the confirmed speakers are Pedro Domingo, José Salvador Mira, Pilar del Pueblo, Vicent Roig and Miguel Padilla, recognized for their significant contributions to the technological world.

Opportunity for the Educational Community

The Computer Conferences are open not only to students of IES La Mar de Xàbia, but also to professionals in the sector, teachers and others interested in digital evolution. The event promises to be a space for knowledge exchange and an excellent networking opportunity.

For registration and more details about the complete program, those interested can contact by email at: rm.perezripoll@edu.gva.es or visit the website.

The Computer Conferences at IES La Mar de Xàbia will mark a milestone in technological training, providing students with the necessary tools to face the challenges of the digital future.

It should be noted that the IES La Mar de Xàbia is a leading institution in secondary education and vocational training, standing out in the region for its wide range of computer science cycles that include all the middle and higher cycles of the Computer Science family and the course of Specialization in Artificial Intelligence and Big

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