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The show reaches canoeing hand Jávea Canoeing C. Jávea

May 10 from 2013 - 00: 01

Canoeing Club Javea is officially the day 08 2012 June through the Consell Valencia de l'Esport personal initiative of Juan Carlos Sanchez being the purpose of this initiative promoting canoeing Jávea, modalities are practicing canoeing in calm waters, sea kayaking and Surf Ski pretending to reach levels equal or superior to other locations with water sports participation as Denia, Villajoyosa, Valencia, etc.

Currently its facilities are located in the sports area The Mesquides located along the river Gorgos.

Canoeing in this club promotes primarily the surfski due to its characteristics as suitable for practice at sea. They are autovaciables boats for one person or two, whether man or woman in K K 1 and 2. The surfski is being widely accepted by the ability to practice in different sea states, it is mainly based on leveraging the waves and to travel long distances in a short time.

This sport can be practiced and is practicing with a wide variety of ages between participants and categories from prebenjamin, senior and reaching a veteran in female and male category.

The aim of this club is to have people who want to enjoy all year round or vacation periods of the sport in order to maintain their fitness or improve and they can decide what kind of piraguismo want to do either cruise or gradually prepare for comxicotetions.


  1. LORENZO says:

    Hello, I am interested in obtaining more information about how to belong to the Club ...
    I don't live in Jávea, but I spend 2-3 weeks there in summer and one at Christmas and Easter ...
    I bought a self-emptying kayak to go out from time to time but I sold it ... do you lend or rent the material there?
    Oh, and most importantly, I am 52 years old although my form is very good, will I be out of tune with the group?….

    Regards and thanks in advance.

  2. Ana Belen says:

    Hi good morning, I am fond of the dugout and I would like to have more detailed information about the club, such as the fee for club membership, if haceis group outings or courses perfeccionamieto etc.
