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The Consell de Cultura gathers the proposals of a Science Museum and the prohibition of the 'bou embolat' and 'desencaixonat'

10 December 2014 - 19: 22

The Consell de Cultura de Jávea met again yesterday afternoon in what was its fifth meeting since it was constituted. Among the points that made up the agenda, three stood out: The creation of a center for science studies, the plea defending the integrity of the bull as an animal that suffers in popular bullfighting shows and the Municipal file.

Math teacher and member of the association for science Meridià Zero, Josep Lluís Domenech, introduced the proposal for the creation of a center with didactic dedicated to the study of science. Possible location in the house The Calendar in Roques street, owned by the Town hall.

Although the proposal was well received, empar Bolufer, Councilor for Culture, warned that following current legislation, hiring one more official to take charge of the center was unfeasible. The idea of ​​focusing it more as a museum than as a study center was also supported. However, Pepa Guardiola's initiative was supported by the entire Consell: Claiming the space of the Cape San Antonio lighthouse as a "propitious and ideal place to house a museum of these characteristics", the writer pointed out.

Bolufer recalled that the lighthouse is not the property of the city council but of Ports, however, he was favorable to the request as an alternative that the municipality must carry out claiming its ownership and in defense of the authority of the council that has been ignored by the administration in the processing of the construction of a hotel in the Cape San Antonio.

Finally, Domenech will be responsible for carrying out the wording of the proposal collecting the claims made by the Consell.

Meeting of the Council of Culture December 2014

No balling or desencajonamiento the bulls

Another hot spots of the meeting was the plea for the bull as animal, personally, he realized the teacher and representative dels Escacs Vivents, José Erades.

The writing presented by Erades makes a complete defense of the bull as an animal that suffers and suffers from "the humiliating treatment" that involves activities so typical of the bullfighting acts of Bous al Carrer and Bous a la Mar, such as balling and dislodging. The document seeks reasoning and clarity when it comes to glimpsing when the bull is being made to suffer and when his mistreatment is motivated by the economic repercussion it entails for the festive commissions that are responsible for subsidizing him. It also proposes to raise awareness of the public so that these practices, not bullfighting acts in general, are eradicated.

Empar Bolufer urged, first, discuss the issue with the commissions that perform such acts and the councilman Festival, Juan Ortolá, Part of the Committee on Culture (body more important than the Consell) Similarly, some members expressed promote an awareness campaign to show the cruelty of these activities in order to raise awareness were.

Even with all the Consell and Erades himself did not want that if the initiative came to fruition, would result in a complete eradication of the bullfights since only, it is trying to, in the future; remove two practices.

On the other hand, the argument proposed removing subsidies that the City provides to party committees for bullfighting events. Councilwoman recalled that the municipality does not give money to specific aspects of the party but has the budget and then each committee reverses the way it considers most appropriate.

The text will now be transferred to the Culture Committee and the latter will decide if it has to be ratified in plenary session.

A new job as a municipal archivist

Another issue discussed at the meeting yesterday afternoon were the steps taken to achieve a municipal file conditions. The initial proposal was to create it in the basement of the new building of the Portal del Clot. The idea did not like the Consell because "no longer be an extension of the underground parking" insulting considering the value of an apartment like this.

So the file will continue to be next to the Planning Office, next to the chapel of Santa Ana. And to meet the responsibilities they entail some dependencies how are you, City Hall Square soon will draw municipal archivist. One new work being contemplated today in the civil service of the consistory and has its own endowment but that is not being occupied by anyone today and is therefore not profited. The amount involved in this square, becomes part, each year, the economic surplus of City Hall.

  1. JOSE ERADES says:

    The owner is incorrect, the full text of the proposal made at the Consell de Curltura regarding the "bou embolat i encaixonat" is as follows:

    Al • legat in favor of bous
    The Motiu d'aquest to • Legat favor dels Bous is to show that per a fun-fa not even need to pose one dins d'bou one caixó or col • locar boles de foc damunt join them banyes, faces that follow in nom d "A tradició or d'una festa. Potser is the moment to reconsider these FETs, retrieve a month visió són els wide of animals i that proposar a l'Autoritat competent conscienciar the tavern regulate them persones i d'una exhibicions aquelles Taurines totes effectively to conduct one sofriment innecessari i per a l'Animal useless.
    Els Essers humans, heme reconéixer that vegades tenim coses rares i difícils d'entender: If li vuitanta centimètres d'acer nailed a bou not Worry pareix that follow molt great, but if it hits li kick a gos Canvia significativament thing. Igualment, the day of Sant Antoni beneïm Animalets i els uns mesos quans després els POSEM FOC banyes them. Com diu Pepa Guardiola in the seua work Caste of trencada banya: "... Comparats amb els bous, massa els grans són no humans or més Forts, són molt llestos però, els i els fan dominate d'masters. Tenen costums difícils d'entender i no res s'assemblen in the rest d'Essers vius coneguts ... ".
    Els bulls, they vaquetes, com animals are superiors, tenen one nervous system ia molt Limbic semblant a l'humà i, per tant, system Senten i pateixen com els humans, com nosaltres, quan s'exposen to aversives Situacions i doloroses . Situació aquest és unquestionable des d'un punt of view Biologic, com també ho és des d'un punt morally: sofriment innecessari inflict an animal is an acte els Essers "racionals" no haurien ja permetre en l'època current.
    Sense aprofundir in discussions filosòfiques, it is evident that l'actualitat the respect to the Environment and als animals has Anat consolidant-se but such vegada, faces faça lack Anar a POC month enllà Aspectes certs i consider that if bé els abans not tenien en compte, ara itself. L'human species has Anat madurant to llarg the ara i temps d'assumir Reptes has the facen worthy més com "target species" i un eixos d'Reptes passa per drets dels certs to respect animals, independentment that estiguen or not escrits. Perquè ja els tenen the Faculty of animals is essential i feel i accept obligatori reconèixer to be tindre també drets uns. Els els drets i deures no per tenim per naturalesa but convinced no legal i val a dir that com nosaltres, els humans, sabem llegir i escriure, hi heme arribat sabuts abans i són més that subtracts d'Essers, which podem fer ens parega amb them criatures month debils i utilitzar-les com mitjans per the nostra it Fun.
    The Universal Declaració dels dels Drets Animals will be proclaimed on October 15 1978 d'amb the vist i plau UNESCO. Els seus catorze Reminder articles are i a defense of Dignitat dels animals, but continue to apply sense-is. Not ja amb uns hour MIREM altres ulls, amb a ulls of major comprensió cap els animals?
    The humanitat has evolved perquè has tingut sentit comú and has sabut regulate the seua vida through lleis, the best part senstes. As such, this is not a static debate, it is proposed to the mayor who will raise the Ple de la Corporació, as a motion, and as he deems convenient, the following proposal:
    1.-Que L'Ajuntament de Xàbia promoga the month promte debats possible els i les xerrades to consider oportunes amb diferents them associacions, comissions de festes, escoles i instituts, amb l'objectiu d'conscienciar arrive at sensibilitzar i els i les veïns Xàbia veines perquè reconeguen societat is just a month if I tea one major consideració cap als animals, especialment els bous.
    2.- Que l'Ajuntament, arribat the moment i Després d'deep reflexió, deixe to subsidize aquelles festes locals in seua programació incloguen espectacles that suposen one animal sofriment l'innecessari. L'encaixonament i l'embolament dels Bous in serien two clars exemples.
    3.-Que els diners estalviats pels Conceptes d'embolament i d'encaixonament follow activitats per destinats to the Joventut i per a les persones jubilades, semper dins of festera programació, Semper hi i haja pressupostària Disponibilitat.
    (Text presentat per José F. Erades (a títol staff) to the Municipal Council of Culture Xàbia i aprovat the 10 2014 day of desembre)

  2. JAIME says:

    It seems incredible that in the XXI century continue to make the same atrocities as before. We can not excursarnos in the traditions and festivities. Society evolves for well-being for both men and animals of course.

  3. OMAR says:

    Ens not take the festa, the bou, nostres them tradicions, respecteu the bou. Defensarem semper which estimem!



    • Toñi Vives says:

      Hello Omar.

      teu comentari respect to that (we do not take the festa del bou) jo tinc that dirte that no vullc who wear tampoc, perque my m'agraden els bous, which is not M'agrada li posen FOC bowls would you banyes, i ja this, the demes Motl be ,,,,
      Unes festes Festes serien no sense Bous, per the tradisio, but anys fa molt the Coliseu in Rome, tiraven a les persones bous als, als i lleons, pear els mataren, i havia molta gent aplaudin Eixe tipus of barbarism,
      In anat they evolve, i faren month, but I grew up that it would be, take all the one that carries a suffering for the animal, follow bou, cow, lamb, or crocodile. …….

  4. Vicente says:

    Being democratic, I would ask the neighbors if they are willing to maintain a Culture Council that threatens our traditions, our culture and our identity as a people ...
    The commissions pay for these festivities, comply with very strict regulations and fill in all the necessary documentation ... It is very shocking to see people who want to have all the rights to decide and no obligation ... Wanting to impose ideologies and moral criteria on others is something dictatorial, Let's hope that the political leaders know how to respect the freedom and rights of the people.
    It would be an act of hypocrisy to prohibit such a deep-rooted cultural manifestation, the fighting bull is the animal raised by man with a higher quality of life ... All the animals that the members of the Council of Culture have put in their mouths to have had a life as long and dignified as that of the fighting bulls.
    Democracy exists so that people can live freely enjoying all rights, please, that the ideological interests of a minority not stabbed in the back the rule of law.


    The world of bou al carrer generates 50 million euros, is part of our culture and what is and feel the Valencian people. THE embolado bull does not pose any harm to the bull irons are placed so that no damage or burn the bull, are made of a material to make it so. Those who say that the bull goes blind are people looking lying they do not know the reality. The proof is that there are bulls that embolan 100 times throughout his life. I and many other people outside Jávea will these stocks just days bullfights with income that entails for your population

  6. jose fco says:

    I do not agree with this porke I am a fan of bullfighting i I like the fire bull i la desencajonada i ke you may know is not mistreats the animal nor was he hits or anything i takes is as simple as not see i q this but toris live the bullfighting bulls i the embolados

  7. Reuss Erika Galindo says:

    It seems magnificent to me that the so-called "parties" in which any poor animal (be it a bull, a goat or any other) suffer the brutalities with which a group of barbarians release their worst instincts are eliminated. Unfortunately we have not overcome the desire to see blood, and I am sure that if this were done with a person, he would also have his followers. Humanity has improved almost nothing over the centuries: as soon as the surface of civilization that covers us is scratched a bit, the same savage who enjoys watching any living being die emerges. I am also a member of APASA and neither, as Toñi Vives, can I understand how you can enjoy watching an animal suffer.

  8. Toñi Vives says:

    As a member of APASA, I have been trying for years to make people aware that the BOU EMBOLAT party is an animal abuse. I can not understand that it is a fun to put fire on the bull's head.
    I'm happy just thinking that will be abolished this barbarism in this town.
    Because life and people evolve, so must decide between

    From here I send a greeting and I thank Mr ,. Herades.

    Toñi Vives

  9. Jesus says:

    I applaud the initiative of Pepa Guardiola.

  10. Jesus says:

    It seems very good approach to claim a museum in the facilities of the Cabo de San Antonio. Museum, nature classroom, viewpoint. «QuenoparelaluzdelfarodeXàbia». JOSEP Lluís Domenech, we are a humble but voluntary group on Facebook, we are at your disposal in case we can contribute something of interest (101 members Xábia field).
