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CEIP Port de Xàbia, pilot center of the Collaborative Digital Centers project

15 2021 April - 17: 00

El CEIP Port of Xàbia It will be the only educational center in the Marina Alta region that will be part, among the 50 chosen by Education, as a pilot center, of the Collaborative Digital Centers project. This is a new model of educational digital tools that will be established throughout the educational system next year.

In the presentation of this project, which add up to about 39.700 students, and more than 3.600 teachers. The Minister of Education, Culture and Sports, Vicent Marzà, along with the regional secretary for Education and FP, Miquel Soler and the Director General of the DGTIC, were present. José Manuel García Duarte.

The minister highlighted that "this pilot project allows us to test the improvement of digital tools and utilities that we are implementing in our educational system and that is why this month the training of teachers of the pilot centers begins, to establish it in a generalized way during the next academic year. ", and added that:" The digital modernization of the educational administration and the teaching task was very necessary, and during the last year they have worked hard to make it a reality with a new conception of teaching in which ICTs are integrated in day-to-day learning ".

The new Collaborative Digital Center model is based on five technological pillars, with possibilities of integration among themselves and capable of supporting hundreds of thousands of users at different levels: center, teachers and students, as well as their families.

The five pillars of the CDC are the Lliurex operating system, the free 'software' that will continue to be the preferred one for public educational centers of the Generalitat; the AULES platform, a virtual learning environment (EVA) that the Generalitat has developed on Moodle; the family Web platform, as a communication tool for schools or teachers with families or students; the web pages of each educational center, hosted on the PortalEdu developed with the WordPress tool, as well as the Microsoft Office 365 platform controlled by the Generalitat, which complements the above, and which enhances the use of ICT in educational centers, providing email accounts and promoting collaborative work both at the center and between teachers and students.

In addition to the email, each user will have storage space in the cloud, the possibility of making videoconferences and other collaborative work tools, such as Teams, where virtual work teams will be created, according to the educational level, for each classroom or each subject .

Therefore, it is an enriched system adapted to the needs of educational centers, based on free 'software', to which Microsoft tools are added in a pioneering and unique agreement in the State in which the data from the educational community are completely shielded and with all the guarantees of data privacy.

New figures to lead the digital transformation

In order to implement the new center model, "which is one of our strategic lines," according to the regional secretary for Education and Vocational Training, Miquel Soler, "in addition to the necessary collaboration and involvement of the management team, we will create two figures in each center who We consider essential: a person who will lead the management of the digital transformation of the center and another person who will act as a companion in more technical matters of the platforms ".

The implementation of the new Microsoft 365 platform will begin in all centers on April 26, and previously there will be training for the two people selected per center, with the commitment by both of them to exercise this leadership and support the colleagues of the center.

The General Directorate of Information and Communications Technologies (DGTIC) will lead the change management project and the integration of platforms and the General Sub-Directorate of Teacher Training will supervise and facilitate all associated practical training not only in this month of April but in the next few months.

For his part, the general director of Information and Communication Technologies has indicated that "the Collaborative Digital Center is one of the keys to the 'Center a Casa' project, together with the new Digital Secretariat, with which we intend to facilitate the relationship among all the agents of the system, using new platforms that allow both collaboration and communication as well as electronic processing and that will enable a true digital transformation of the entire educational community, always maintaining control of both data and its use ".

García Duarte explained that, "with Office 365, we have incorporated the missing piece of the puzzle to generate the CDC technological solution and that will allow the current system to evolve to create, in the future, a unique virtual environment for learning and learning. collaboration of the million users that make up the educational community, but also consolidate the digital skills of students under a flexible and inclusive model, based on consolidated management tools and infrastructures ".

The training for the 100 people who exercise leadership and accompaniment in the 50 pilot centers will consist of 4 sessions of 4 hours that will take place from April 19 to 22.

Pilot centers

The regions of Alicante will have 16 pilot collaborative digital centers, with more than 11.000 male and female students, and about 1.100 teachers. It is a CEE, seven CEIP and eight HEIs. Specifically, they are the CEIP Enric Valor and the IES El Pla in Alicante, the IES Pare Vitòria in Alcoy, the CEIP Ausiàs March in Benidorm, the CEIP El Fabraquer in El Campello, the CEIP Rico Sapena in Castalla, the IES Montserrat Roig, Misteri d 'Elx and Severo Ochoa from Elche, the IES Serra Mariola de Muro, the CEE El Somni from Sant Joan d'Alacant, the IES Mediterráneo from Torrevieja, the CEIP M.ª Francisca Ruiz and the IES Marcos Zaragoza from Villajoyosa, the CEIP Ruperto Chapí de Villena, and the CEIP Port of Xàbia, from Jávea.

In the regions of Castellón there are 12 pilot CDCs, totaling about 10.800 male and female students, and about 650 teachers. It is a training center for adults (FPA), an official language school, 7 CEIP and 3 IES. They are the CEIP Grangel Mascarós de L'Alcora, the CEIP L'Hereu de Borriol, the IES de Jérica-Viver, the FPA Jordi de Sant Jordi de la Vall d'Uixó center, the CEIP Sant Miquel de Vilafamés, the CEIP Don Blasco de Alagón de Villafranca del Cid, and six centers in Castelló de The flat: the EOI of the city, the Francesc Ribalta and La Plana IES, and the CEIP Bernat Artola, Gaetà Huguet and Tombatossals.

The pilot CDCs in the regions of Valencia are a total of 22 and globally there are 17.900 male and female students, and about 1.900 teachers. It is a public integrated center for Vocational Training (CIPFP), seven CEIPs, a grouped rural college (CRA), a professional music conservatory and 12 HEIs.

In detail are the CEIP Juan Esteve Muñoz de Albal, the CEIP Colón and the IES María Carbonell de Benetússer, the IES de Bocairent, the IES Primo Marqués de Carlet, the CEIP Clara Campoamor de Paterna, the CEIP Ausiàs March de Picanya, the IES The Village of La Pobla de Vallbona, the IES of El Puig de Santa María, the CRA of Benavites-Quart de les Valls, the CEIP Virgen del Milagro de Rafelbunyol, the IES Jorge Juan de Sagunto and the IES Veles de Torrent.

In addition, we must add 9 more centers in the city of Valencia: the Lluís Guarner and Lluís Vives CEIPs, the Benlliure IES, Districte Marítim, Juan de Garay, Joanot Martorell and Lluís Vives, the CIPFP Ciutat de l'Aprenent and the Professional Conservatory of Music number 2.

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