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CEIP Mediterrània students learn about XNUMXst century migrations

November 13 from 2020 - 15: 11

El CEIP Mediterranean de Xàbia continues the work started in recent years, through Integrated Didactic Units: investigating, debating, deepening and studying current issues so that they become empathetic and tolerant individuals in the XNUMXst century society. In addition, it will have an important social impact since they will write letters to different political powers, both in Spain and Europe, so that this situation begins to change.

The project brings to the students the sensitivity for the current situation of boys and girls like them and they who,
for different reasons they have to leave their homes and move to unknown countries.

In support of this didactic project, the 5th year students of CEIP Mediterrània have had the visit of CRUZ ROJA who has explained issues on humanitarian action, displaced, internal, refugee, refugee camps, asylum application, stateless person, migrant. .. and the work they do in different places and, more specifically, in Tanzania.

The schoolchildren have been able to observe the material that is used in the different camps where they are now helping.

Within this educational project, students will visit SALVAMAR, in the port of Xàbia, to know the pressure of our coasts in terms of the number of boats that arrive at them. They will also visit them from CÁRITAS de Parish of the Sea, which will make known how the needs of a large number of inhabitants of the town have multiplied and have sent a request to the Civil Guard to explain all the work it does in this area.

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