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The Xàbia Auditorium will be a reality in April of 2019

November 11 from 2017 - 07: 07

As announced a few weeks ago, the signing of the contract with the company responsible for the construction of the Xàbia auditorium has already been carried out. The firm was present at the Mayor of Xàbia, José ChulviThe councilman of Culture, Quico Moragues, and the person in charge of Contracting, Marta Bañuls together with a person in charge of Joca, Ingeniería y Construcciones, SA

From now on, the company has a maximum of one month to start work, and 16 months Xàbia count one of the largest demands come true. Also, if the forecasts are fulfilled, in April of 2019, the municipality xabiero could finally have an endowment claimed for decades by musical and artistic groups.

Project and contract

The company Joca, Ingeniería y Construcciones, SA managed the contract between 15 candidates for proposing the cheapest budget 2.395.000 euros compared to the 3,3 million that were budgeted. In addition, this company ensured other improvements such as the reduction of months of construction to 16 and the installation of a magnetic or induction loop, a sound system that transforms the sound so that it can be picked up by hearing aids or cochlear implants, and by
It makes it accessible to the deaf.

The future auditorium theater will have a capacity for 524 people and will have a 17 stage by 11 approved meters to be part of the theater circuit of CulturArts and host concerts and large-scale theater performances.

1 Comment
  1. ARA XÀBIA says:

    CHULVI HIRES AMB A COMPANY INVESTIGATED BY THE UCO CONSTRUCTED THE AUDITORI DE XÀBIA. We hope that the City Council of Xàbia does not pass to the village as it has succeeded the City Council of Alcanyís or the Mateixa Comunitat de Madrid by contracting with JOCA the pressupost more cheap, molt more cheap than els altres, The one that is I have a low point and that, after all, the company has subcontracts for execution and has not completed the deadlines. A procedure that this large company, which has never applied an ERE, has become common. Tot i això JOCA is also involved in the payment scheme of Canal d'Isabel II with the Lezo Operation, which is, a few hours ago, investigating, to collect invoices of treballs that may be executed.

    Totes these information -which are at the end of qualsevol person who will know simply by JOCA to the fencer- the connection with the members of the contracting table but it has not served for the purpose of doubting the current responsible for the municipal government signant with this company .

    Will Xàbia be the second of the list of councils and institutions harmed by JOCA? I sincerely hope that not but the political opinions of the auditorium finished just one month after the next elections, fet in 16 months, and with a great electoral promise, it has fetched that the team of the socialist governor of José Chulvi will accept to contract both the only proposal that, in addition to being both the cheapest difference, will be executed with less items than any other, total with the place and the legality that is required by the current situation clearly.

    For more information about this company, it is possible to consult:

    Joca SA won last March the contest to build a school, the new building of another and expand an institute thanks to rebates of 30% in the budget. The construction company has abandoned the works of one of the centers and the Community of Madrid pays a rent to a school arranged to locate the students. http://www.eldiario.es/sociedad/Cifuentes-adjudico-colegios-estudiantes-terminarlas_0_664234287.html

    A year ago it was also learned that at the time of Gonzalez the Canal de Isabel II paid an amount of around 1,4 million euros to Joca Ingeniería y Construcciones SA "for works not executed" between May and August of 2011 in Majadahonda. http://centrodeperiodicos.blogspot.com.es/2017/04/ignacio-gonzalez-detenido-por.html
    The Canal paid 1,5 million to JOCA for an engineering that was not executed https://elpais.com/ccaa/2016/04/15/madrid/1460747628_961187.html?id_externo_rsoc=TW_CC

    The repair works of the Guadalope River have suffered a new setback. The City Council of Alcañiz (Teruel) awarded the rehabilitation works on the banks of the Guadalope River damaged by the March flood of 2015 to Joca Ingeniería y Construcciones, for an amount of 321.000 euros. The 'modus operandi' that Joca Ingeniería y Construcciones intended to carry out is not new. A large company that came from abroad, in this case from Extremadura, won a public tender by presenting a very low economic offer. As it does not have infrastructure in the area, it looks for a subcontractor of the territory that is in charge of the works for a price inferior to the amount for which it has won the contest. https://www.lacomarca.net/rescinden-obras-rio-guadalope/

    Cayetano Sánchez López. Originally from Castuera (Badajoz), he is president and founder of the Katry Group, a holding company headed by the construction company Joca Ingeniería y Construcciones and which participates, through various companies, in other sectors (food, renewables ...). They also have Intervías, Saconsa and Codeconsa. In 2007, it invoiced 414 million. In 2011 presents an ERE for workers 250. http://salomonlaverdad.blogspot.com.es/2013/05/listado-de-70-familias-caciques.html

    Joca enters into bankruptcy with more than 111 million euros of debt http://www.elperiodicoextremadura.com/noticias/temadeldia/joca-entra-concurso-acreedores-mas-111-millones-euros-deuda_638044.html.
