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Moors and Christians of Xàbia will have an extra day of holiday

30 June 2016 - 11: 53

The festeros of the different filaes that make up the party of Moors and Christians of Xàbia are in luck since this year will have another day of partying. So he did he knows, Juan Vicente Álvarez, Chairman of the Board of Festes during the presentation of the Llibre Fester 2016 and the program of celebrations of this year. A ceremony held at the Casa del Pescador with a large attendance of revelers and representatives of local associations festeras.

Festeros charges with politicians

The event was attended by Alvarez himself who was accompanied by the Christian flag bearer, Mar García and the standard-bearer blackberry, Carmen Torres, Captains of filà Faciners, José Manuel García y Mª José Fernández. Alongside them, the Mayor of Xàbia, José Chulvi and Party mayor, Antonio Miragall.


Alvarez was shelling the festive program this year of a festival that have their start on Saturday July 16 and will last until Monday 25, San Jaume day. The big news this year is that that day will be festive for one day festeros lengthening the duration of the festival usually finishes with a gala parade on Sunday.

The festivities of this day will be the Eucharistic celebration in the parish of Customs of the Sea and the transfer of the saint, on pilgrimage, to the chapel of the Asilo Hermanos Residence Cholbi. It will be in that place where it will remain throughout the year. The pretention of the Board of Festes is that these acts come not only charges and festeros participants in 2016, but all those who belonged to the party and represented throughout its history; as well as the rest of festive associations in the municipality.

Bearers of Moors and Christians 2016 in Xàbia

Another new feature is marked in the offering of flowers to San Jaime and food to Caritas of Customs of the Sea on July 20. This time, the event will be shared with the Virgin of Loreto as a sign of good harmony between the two Sailor festivities core. Participants will make an offering to the two images.

After a few years the festival will return to the area Arenal Beach where Monday 18, an informal entraeta will be held with the aim of bringing the party to the residents of that part of the municipality.

Both the mayor of parties, Antonio Miragall, like the mayor, José Chulvi, in his speeches they highlighted the great effort made by all the members of the Board so that this party continues to grow and above all is another attraction for all those neighbors and especially visitors who are in Xàbia on those days .

José Mª captains Fernandez and José Manuel García

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