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Sánchez announces the new normal measures to the autonomous governments

07 June 2020 - 14: 31

Next Tuesday the Government presents the Royal Decree Law in which they will establish the preventive measures in the face of the health crisis with which we must live in the new normal until there is a vaccine for the coronavirus.

During this morning, Pedro Sánchez has met with the regional governments to explain what this new normality will consist of and the powers they will have, which will be returned to them after the end of the state of alarm. For this reason, the Government urges them to act quickly and have the resources to face any type of regrowth.

These measures, which will be detailed during tomorrow and Tuesday, will remain until the crisis does not exist. They will be those of the last phase, better known as new normality.

In it, one of the most announced measures is the mandatory use of a mask as it was imposed a few weeks ago. In any space where the safety distance cannot be ensured, people over 6 years of age must wear a mask without any pathology that prevents their use. This is the case of public transport, where it will not be possible to access without the use of this protective equipment.

Preventive measures should also be taken in workplaces, health centers, schools, shops, cultural spaces, sports ...

The autonomies recover their powers, but they will be obliged to meet certain requirements to ensure that they can cope with outbreaks. They must guarantee the response with contingency plans. In other words, having a minimum response in primary and hospital care. Among them, all the suspected cases of COVID-19 are obliged to carry out PCR or derived tests.

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