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Sorollius 2019 Program - Saturday, September 28

Event Date: 28th September 2019
Event type: Other events
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Schedule: It is explained below
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Event finished

- From 9: 30 to 14: 00 h. Photography workshop with cans with PHOTOLATERAS at the headquarters of FX in Calle d'En Forn. Approximate duration 4,5 h. 30,00 € / child. Limited places (Prior registration: https://festivalojosrojos.com/iniciacion-a-la-fotografia-estenoepica/).

- At 11: 00 h. Painting Workshop “PINTEM SOROLLA” in the Plaza Marina Alta (Post Office).
o At 11: 30 h. First pass of the show "Llavors de Llum" (shadow theater), in the Plaza Celestino Pons.

- At 12: 00 h. “SOROLLA AL PLAT” Showcooking Workshop on Sor Maria Gallart Street. Registration in the same place of 11 h. to 12 h. Age of 6 to 12 years.
o At 12: 30 h. Second pass of the show "Llavors de Llum" (shadow theater), in the Plaza Celestino Pons.
o At 18: 00 h. Third pass of the show "Llavors de Llum" (shadow theater), in the Plaza Celestino Pons.

- At 19: 00 h. XVI Concert campaign, musicless exchanges. With the Xirimitab's and the Unió Musical Els Poblets in the Church Square.

- At 20: 00 h. Oniricus circus show, by La troupe Malabo. In the Placeta del Convent.

Access the full programming of Sorollius 2019 by clicking on the link.

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