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Pepa Guardiola opinion: «Marxa7N, jo vaig anar, jo continue»

November 12 from 2015 - 00: 00

The Marxa7N ja és a large endavant pas in els drets donut exemplar i a page in the history of Feminisme has two significatives marcat Fites:

Banners against gender violence

A, pel superb Èxit of participació who has contribuit Marina Alta, in a macromanifestació has SIGUT conscienciadora i complaint, carregada amb la Veu de les assassinades gifts només in 2015 three on the nostra region, amb els crits acusadors dels atemptats i maltractaments which is committed every day against totes.

Macormanifestació spectacular and creative, set between l'aportació d'intervencions plàstiques, amb obres d'art epímer, amb musiques, cançons, performance ... that would contribute to more visible ferries and facilitate the society to awaken to our claims vaja assumint els canvis You will need to claim els drets and the dignity of the gifts.

Two, for the great lliçó that the Feminist Movement has donated in the empirical methods to carry out the laborious and complex organization. An exemplar organization de l'inici, from the moment that the Valencian Feminist Coordinator, at principis d'any, will propose to launch a marx against the most violent violències.

At the end of the months that the preparation has lasted, s'han teixit noves forms of treball col·lectiu, participatiu i democraticà, amb assemblees presencials, amb fluid comunicació y diffusió utilitzant les xarxes del món tecnològic, amb debats per a focus the motiu del 7N, amb l'aportació i intercanvi d'idees, proposals and cooperation in the quefers necessary for a dur-les a terme, amb the fet d'assumir voluntàriament responsabilitats, amb l'esforç, creativitat, dedicated, interest, and even some esglai i neguit suportats, sense to expect more reconeixement that in the end the Marxa of 7N fora the one that has sigut i will be: an immense wait in the consecució dels drets of the donut.

N'estic proud and satisfied d'haver anat, satisfied and orgull shared between the gifts and homes that hi anàrem. Malauradament, I have not had 24 hours of respite per complaure'ns amb l'èxit of the demonstration and rest of l'esforç organitzatiu i participatiu. The 7th pacifist l'han followed an 8n and a 9n of tremendous mascist violence. From nou the terrorism against the gifts has returned to kill, and there is a great deal of atemptats cruels. Fifty people assassinades per uns violent ineptes, unable to meet with these social partners and viure les pròpies vides respectnt les altres.

I could feel satisfied with the results of the 7th, but I could not relax - because the masclism is not relaxing, continually mindful of us, continue dramatically assassinating us, or in a subtle way ambitious thousands of denigrations that go unnoticed , but promote the inequality; with the provocative anecdote of the gegant cartell publicitari that s'exhibia in one of the façanes of the Plaça d'Espanya i that drew a fons irritant in l'escenari on conclogueren els actes de la macromanifestació against les violències masclistes.

One banner in the Marxa 7N

S'ha finbat prompts the rest and l'esplaiar-us, turning to the task of denouncing assassinations and maltractaments, to unveil the great ruthless violències that ensue coercion; Reprenem claimed the rights of the Drets, the education for the equality, the qualification of discrimination, the defense of dignity and the rights of the gifts.

The "jovaig" s'ha transformed into "jocontinue", because Marxa7N has not fetched any more than to begin. It is clear that all the proposals are proposed, which are effective and that each of the accords approvals pels ajuntaments, that the societat s'implique, which can also be habits, behaviors, behaviors, ideals, patriarchal attitudes ... That the political parties participate in their six monthly programs to advance in the donor's drets, and to legislate, sign and apply a Pacte d'Estat against les violències de gènere i per la igualtat effective.

Urgent, the President of the Government has to share with him in alt ocasions that s'atempta against the population. Fifty people assassinades pels masclistes in two dies es pur i dur terror.

Pepa Guardiola: escriptora and component of the Network of Dones Marina Alta, Feminisme Comarcal.

1 Comment
  1. Jose Luis Masutier says:

    A lot of march in defense of women but I have not seen anything against programs where women are dragged (to call them something) for "getting" a "tronista" (women, men and vice versa) or the performance of a «is applauded little boy ”who only sees the woman as a“ dust ”(big brother) THE RESPECT IS INSPIRED, IT IS NOT IMPOSED.
