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IROX opinion: «Protect the Posidònia, protect the nostra mar»

08 July 2020 - 08: 35

In the last few sets, they have been assisting a brutal attack on the northern coast by people who are not aware of the perill per l'entorn marí, of whom it is suspected that they are going to gaudir, it is thought that if they followed these practical practices they would arrive at a Punt of no return, which will entail the total disappearance of the ecosystems and per tant of the north coast, such as the coneixem fins al dia d'avui.

In this case, it refers to those nautical practices that do not respect the established legislation, such as the fora de les zones de boies or on the praderies de posidònia, which causes the arsesement of those plaques so necessary for life to life. Mediterrània, or the entry per part of names of ships to the existing coves in the nostres penya-segats, which pose in perill the vegetation that exists in these ecosystems, with the people who are troben realitzant activities legally established, such as the bany or the busseig.

It is important to remember, for example, that the Posidònia oceànica is a marine plant that forms praderies, on fons durs i tous, from the prop of the surface fins at a depth of approximately 50 m, and that it complemented a vital importance for marine life, As long as they provide shelter, oxygen and food for more than 1000 animal species, some of them of commercial interest. Furthermore, they protected them from the erosions thanks to their arrels i fulles, which favored the retention of sediments.

Aquestes praderies is troben in regressió, mainly due to the anchors of the sports boats, the fishing d'arrossegament per de les praderies, the abocaments d'aigües residuals or the extraction d'àrids of the llit marí and the supposed regeneration of them platges, on behalf of the praderies.

For the coves dels penya-segats, it should be remembered that the Cova del Llop Marí is included in the catalog of coves of the Ministry of Territories and Living (DOGV nº 5261 delphorus, May 18, 2006 - Decree 65/2006, of 12 May), but must be object of special protection tenint, month after month, an endemism that will preserve from the excess of human pressure that inevitably patirà if it does not apply to this type of mesures. Various exemplars of Asplenium marinum survive the cave, which is listed as Vulnerable, according to the Flora Amenaçades Catàleg Valencià de Especies, in the Seu Annex I, in Perill de Extinció, and with the massive presence of motor vehicles running the disappearance knob.

Doncs bé, a més d'aquests fets i d'aquests fonaments scientfics, des de l'ROX believe that the competent administrations are not complying with the seu deure de protecció d'allò that is legislat, since on a day d'avui no hi ha control over those boats that anchor directly on the praderies of posidònia or incomplete in the limits of navigation on the 200 m strip of the shoreline established by pely bany.

Both these activities are infringing, per part d'aquelles people that així ho fan, and the competent administrations are deixant to control the one that established, the following regulations:

Art. 52.2 and 66.2 of DECRET 180/2002, of November 5, of Govern Valencià, for which the Pla d'Ordenació dels Naturals del Montgó is approved, by which the fondeig d'embarcacions, according to the which will be established in the particular regulations, will only be able to be carried out in the assignments and qualifications to be effected.

They are included in the Valencian legislation mitjançant l'Ordre of 23rd of January 1992, which is regulated by the activities on these ecosystems. In the first article it is forbidden to destroy the prairie de fanerògames marines for being zones d'interès pesquer

The basic legal regime for conservation, sustainability, restoration and restoration of the natural heritage and of the Spanish biodiversity are collected in Llei 42_2007, December 13 of the Natural Heritage and Biodiversity, in which in the Annex I I praderies seu Posidonia oceanica is a tipus d'hàbitat d'interès comunitari the conservare requereix the designation of Zones d'Especial Conservació. Therefore, the presence of this species is motivated by the designation of the xarxa Natura 2000 in Spain, which contributes to the maintenance or restoration of the state of favorable conservation of natural habitats in the natural distribution area.

In Royal Decree 139-2011, the populations of Posidònia oceànica are troben in the Llista d'espècies wilderness in special protection regimen.

In addition, the EC Regulation No. 1967/2006 relating to the management measures for the sustainable exploitation of fishery resources in the Mediterranean Sea is regulates the fishing exercise with arts d'arrossegament de fons, specifies that this activity may not Exercised in depths greater than 50 meters deep, which coincides with the depth limit of distribution of Posidonia oceanica. For this reason, fishing is prohibited with xarxes d'arrossegament, dredges, arts de parany, xarxes de cèrcol amb sàgola, xarxes de tir des d'embarcació, «jábegas» or similar xarxes per on dels llits de constituted marine vegetation, in particular , per Posidonia oceanica or altres fanerògames marines.

Posidonia oceanica is included in Annex I of the Bern Convention as a species of strictly protected flora. In this annex, there are also Zostera marina i Cymodocea nodosa.

To the Habitat Directive of the European Union (Directive 92/43 EEC of l'1992.05.21) and the subsequent seva adapted to the technical and scientific program through Directive 97/62 / EC of October 27, 1997 , and as last amended by Directive 2006/105 / CE of the council for which they adapt the Directives 73/239 / CEE, 74/557 / CEE and 2002/83 / CE in l'àmbit de l'entorn : totes they include the Posidonia oceanica praderies to l'Annex 1 (habitat 1120), with priority habitat to conserve dins of the territory of the European Union.

Posidonia oceanica is contemplated on Annex II of the Barcelona Convention on the protection of the Mediterranean and the coast and is considered one of the main priorities to preserve in the Pla d'Acció.

In both cases, if the competent authorities have not shown the biological and ecological importance of aquatic ecosystems for the protection, they have known that the seva deixadesa of functions are incomparable with the establishment of the normative names that They are applied to the protection of aquatic appreciations and necessary ecosystems, so it is only necessary to proceed immediately to the delimitation of the zones, with a system of controlled controls that assembles the marques on these, per se d'avoiding the indesitjats arrossegaments de àncores, is proceixi al 'abalisament of the area defined as the SCI dels penya-segats de la marina i the rest of zones amb this plant of the coast of La Marina, the immediate hiring of personnel amb The nature of the authority to supervise, protect and carry out the sanctions that are necessary, and is promulgated by the need for protection of the entourage, which is the same as common law. Itat of the Balearic Islands, in order to donate the protection that these ecosystems deserve and need to avoid the total degradation, even if this degradation could suppose an environmental and economic disaster for the area in which they lived.

Volem fer-li arrives at the political nostres a concept that I believe is paramount due to the future development of La Marina, like that of «Capacitat de Càrrega»

The capacity of càrrega, is a reference to the capacity that a territorial determinative to absorb the anthropic activity, which is a significant alteration, and an irreversible degradation from the ecological and environmental point of view. The sustainable development tea teaches to be able to combine the economic creixement and the well-being of the population now that they are maintained and enhanced by natural resources and the environment.

The concept of capacitat de càrrega is quite easy to understand, it did not add the way of evaluation, there are multiple methodologies. In which cases, the World Tourism Organization established the Capacitat de Càrrega with “the maximum name of tourists who can visit a Mateix Lloc sense to cause destructive effects in the environment, in the physical environment, Biological, economic and sociocultural, or an unacceptable deterioration of the level of satisfaction of tourists'.

Tot i això ens shows that tot i no tenim faces a protection line of the Posidònia, a fundamental plant for the qualification of our best marines, the public administrations are responsible for stopping the deterioration of the army and avoiding the insane « regeneration »of platges that only supposes a destruction of the habitats marins absolutely useless. The majority of the parties that head the municipal councils of La Marina form part of the Government of the Generalitat and, therefore, must be able to promote the regulation and protection of the great maritime treasure that supports the coastal region. Make no excuses, this is the moment of fer-ho. Endavant!


1 Comment
  1. Tim says:

    Terrible English
