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New services on the website of the Institut d'Estudis Comarcals of the Marina Alta

03 March 2019 - 00: 45

El Institut d'Estudis Comarcals de la Marina Alta has adapted the website to the needs of users so that they can find a useful, attractive tool with visual content and easy to use. The objective is to increase the number of visits and attract the interest of all those interested in knowing the Marina Alta at a deeper level (history, architecture, popular culture, ethnography, etc). In this sense, the new image presents a more visually attractive header.

Among the new services offered on the website (www.iecma.net) there is a section on cultural agenda, another news item, and a third of IECMA publications.

The objective is to achieve greater visibility of the work of the Institut d'Estudis Comarcals of the Marina Alta to reach a loyal audience but also a new one (younger) and interested in the region. An open and simple way to get the culture, to disseminate what is ours. To make knowledge available to everyone.

The IECMA was born in 1985 after the holding of two Congresses of Studies on the region, in which it was clear the need for the researchers and scholars of the Marina Alta, as well as the general public, to have a meeting space where to find everything type of works or cultural information of and about this region.
Currently part of the Institute of Studies over 600 partners.

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