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Tosalet neighbors show their discomfort at the poor condition of the ravine due to the laziness of the CHJ

November 11 from 2017 - 01: 47

Neighbors of Xàbia, residents in the area of ​​Tosalet have shown their discomfort due to the poor state of the ravine that passes through this urbanization, specifically in the section of Cipres and Chopo streets. According to the owners of these plots near the ravine, "It is totally full of vegetation which worries us in the face of the next rains since it can cause a serious flood. Also, the community of owners of the Tosalet indicated that the plots that are more serious are the ones prior to the bridge,"So we request urgent action before regretting further damage".

Residents ask the Town hall to mediate in this situation, but it should be noted that the responsibility for cleaning this channel, as well as that of the Gorgos river, is the responsibility of the Júcar Hydrographic Confederation (CHJ), work that has been denounced on several occasions by the xabiero consistory for neglect of acting for several years.

The Town Hall of Xàbia, in previous years, has taken charge of covering the cleaning costs of these areas although they were not municipal competence but as the mayor already announced, José Chulvi, "Due to the damages caused by this 2017 because of the storms, the City Council cannot take charge of this action until a new budget is drawn up."

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