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The Local Police of Xàbia protests again due to the lack of its salary improvement

23 March 2023 - 17: 48

The Local Police of Xàbia has once again expressed its discontent at the lack of promised salary improvements. On Thursday morning, taking advantage of the visit of the Government delegate in the Valencian Community, Pilar Bernabé, a dozen agents have gathered outside the doors of the Town hall manifesting "the lack of word of the political leaders".

The agents have indicated that they have not yet had any changes since they began their protests and stopped working overtime. Despite the fact that they expected their salary demands to be approved, in the short term since the negotiations were accepted, or even in this next plenary session, "but everything indicates that another month will pass again, and that is only pending an administrative procedure , from a report, from a single piece of paper," the agents indicate.

The Xàbia Local Police has stated that the Xàbia staff is one of the worst paid in the Marina Alta region, charging up to 800 euros less than agents from other towns.

Today's demonstration has been peaceful and silent since the agents, upon learning a few hours after the delegate's visit to Xàbia, did not have time to request permission from the Government sub-delegation to be able to be more agents and carry out a larger demonstration as usually do.

For now, the police have indicated that they have not worked overtime for more than a year and a half, an issue that affects not only them, but also the security situation in the municipality. "In October 2022, the union agreement was reached and now, six months later, we are still at the same point," the police reiterate.

Likewise, the police have reported that the local staff continues to decrease day after day: "Xàbia had 97 agents, and today, we are half. In the last three legislatures, the body of the Local Police of Jávea has lost half of the agents between escapes to other municipalities, retirements, etc".

  1. Into the sea says:

    What a fool

  2. Juan says:

    The mayor will not win any vote with your demands. There is no need to give up, none. You should not take anything from his hands that is not the solution to your demands. We must seek the complicity of the citizen and this cannot be achieved by denouncing more. By the way, is anyone still doing hours?

  3. Custodian says:

    Per fi s they have put on the uniform that miller els for

  4. Celia says:

    I do not understand anything.

    The other day of celebration and pats with medals, today with this story...
    Not to mention how delicious their fines are when they want to protest for whatever…

    They know full well that these requests/blackmail will not end well, but they continue.

    People are not very fan of all this.

  5. Andres Lopez says:

    Let's see who is the next policeman to take a photo with the mayor, to celebrate some feat, too much hypocrisy,
    Bravo for these brave people who have demonstrated
