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The Councilor of Justice inaugurates the new dependencies of the Court of Peace of Xàbia

January 30 from 2019 - 01: 25

The Councilor for Justice, Gabriela Bravo, accompanied by the Mayor of Xàbia, José Chulvi, inaugurated, yesterday Tuesday, the new dependencies of the magistrate's court that move from Planet street to d'Avall street. A building that was previously the municipal technical office and previously the medical office.

In the chapel of Santa Ana the act was celebrated with a summary of the proceedings of the Court of Peace in this last year, the 2018. The judge of Peace, Gabriel Sapena, stressed that the Court has found a place in his walk through the town, "The population has exceeded the 27.000 inhabitants and the court has dispatched 1200 civil matters and 1140 criminal. Births have been 162, marriages 122 and 160 deaths."

Sapena continued to point out that there have been 50 marital capitulations, 30 notarial deeds and 210 inscriptions related to the civil status of those registered in Xàbia. On processing, the judge indicated that 104 has been processed civil marriage records, 315 registration certifications and have held 49 weddings in its facilities.

For his part, the mayor said that the new facilities are better equipped "and they are more suitable for women workers and users. The peace court has been the channel for many people to find the answer to what they needed.".

Chulvi went to Sapena with words of praise, "He is a person who has done his job, fidelity and discretion, I publicly appreciate his work during these years". The mayor was proud of the building
that inaugurated, "is next to the center of TAPIS and the Municipal file, the three dependencies add essential services; remember who we are, help those who need it and reach agreements for coexistence between people ".

The Councilor for Justice, Gabriela Bravo, pointed out that "Decent facilities are a sign of respect for users and people who work". Bravo took advantage of the event to highlight the work done by the courts of peace and added that "justice is pending a deep reform that delimits territorial demarcations" and regretted that a municipality like Xàbia does not have a higher category court.

The councilor highlighted the work of the courts of peace, "They are the first step towards a problem that a neighbor may have. For the first time, the Generalitat has a law in the field of mediation so that the justices of the peace can play an important role, so that the citizens' problems can be solved before and in a less expensive way. We will design training plans in the field of mediation so that all the justices of the peace of
the Valencian Community are prepared to face this challenge ".

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