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Xàbia City Council acts in the river Gorgos

01 September 2016 - 15: 32

Since a few days, the Javea Town Hall It is acting on the bed of the River Gorgos in the section between the bridge of the road of Plá and the Via Augusta. The action consists in cutting the vegetation and some trees (eucalyptus) to leave the riverbed clean before possible rains in the fall. The municipal biologist, Ignasi Astor, has commented that they are periodic performances that take place every two or three years in the urban sections, "The comxicotetion belongs to the Júcar Hydrographic Confederation, but given the expectation that they cannot act, it is the city council that takes over."

Riverbed Gorgos

"The idea is to keep the riverbed as open as possible, especially the final stretch", says Astor and adds that they can not act on the cane that is growing "But we can act on all the trees that are an obstacle to the flow of water, so they are now removing the eucalyptus and all the invading trees because they are in an area surrounded by gardens of neighboring urbanizations." Biologist tells us that the problem "It is the great existence of sugar cane that in two years has been extended in an impressive way due to the great humidity that exists in the final section of the river".

Cleaning the Rio Gorgos

The current forecast is to try to control the sugarcane, "If it is cut, this species grows more, so you have to consider a substitution of vegetation with species that can compete against the reeds and here we only have the Tamarit", Astor said. This intervention is planned for the next two weeks with manual removal by the municipal brigade. Biologist, Ignasi Astor, wanted to emphasize "It is a difficult, expensive job and it takes a lot of persistence."

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