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The population in Xàbia will grow in 2024: how many new inhabitants have been registered in the town?

January 11 from 2025 - 08: 20

Number of inhabitants of Xàbia in 2024

Jávea or Xàbia, its name in Valencian, the co-official language, has a census population, according to data from the INE (National Institute of Statistics) as of December 13, 2024, the town has a census population de 30.131 inhabitants. A figure that shows the increase in population year after year, since in this last year it has added 371 people.

And, if we base ourselves on previous figures, in 2023, the population census of Xàbia was 29.760 inhabitants -being 14.857 men and 14.903 women-, compared to the 29.497 inhabitants of 2022 - being 14.346 men and 15.151 women-.

demographic evolution

Xàbia, although its population quadruples in the summer season, has always remained at an average of 25.000 and 30.000 inhabitants. In the last year, from 2023 to 2024, Xàbia has grown by 371 people, a figure that increases that of the period from 2022 to 2023, in which the total number of registered people increased by 263 people; Although if we look at the evolution in the last 25 years (since 1997), we see an up and down.

Based on the data officially published at the beginning of each year, the total figures of the resident population in Xàbia are the following:


Population: by age and sex

The total population in Xàbia is practically equal between both sexes. According to the latest data from the end of December 2024, there is barely one more woman than men registered in the town. Specifically, they are 15.065 men and 15.066 women.

Regarding age, most of the inhabitants are between 30 and 70 years old.

AgeBoth gendersMenWomen
0-4 years944495449
5-9 years1.267653614
10-14 years1.503763740
15-19 years1.411716695
20-24 years1.362703659
25-29 years1.484795689
30-34 years1.487787700
35-39 years1.686820866
40-44 years2.1131.0751.038
45-49 years2.2081.1321.076
50-54 years2.2041.0951.109
55-59 years2.2611.1181.143
60-64 years2.0891.0401.049
65-69 years1.873879994
70-74 years1.674825849
75-79 years1.539745794
84-84 years885404481
84-89 years487203284
90-94 years19576119
95-99 years421626
+ 100 Years Old17611

These data correspond to the 2021 census -pending update-

Foreign population in Xàbia: what countries do they come from?

Xàbia, although as we have mentioned, quadruples its population in summer, during winter it is also chosen by many foreigners to spend a long stay. A large number of tourists become residents, living half a year in Xàbia and half a year in their country.

In fact, of the total population registered in the town of Xàbia, according to the information offered by the INE (National Institute of Statistics) as of December 13, 2023, of the 30.249 inhabitants of Xàbia, 16.123 are Spanish y 14.126 foreigners. This data shows that almost half of the population are residents of foreign nationality, specifically 46,69%. But what countries do they come from?

Most non-nationals come from other countries and come from the following countries (according to 2023 data):

Rest of Europe (without Spain)6058
European Union (without Spain)3891
South America2321
North America190
Central America - Caribbean63

Xabieros residing abroad

On the other hand, there are those born in Xàbia who, for various reasons, leave their place of origin to make their way abroad. According to data published by the INE as of November 1, 2021, there are 18 Spaniards over the age of 672 residing abroad and their municipality of origin is Xàbia, the highest figure recorded in the last 12 years.



How to register

To register as a resident in Xàbia you have to appear with the relevant documentation at the Citizen Service Office (OAC) which is located on Avenida Amanecer 2, located a few minutes from the old town.

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  1. Dani says:

    A population without businesses, industry, without anything. What do all these people work at?

  2. Come on, champions... says:

    This article is more than 2 years old

  3. Anonymous says:

    Please fix the article or make a new one adding all the nationalities there are because Belgium, Holland, Ireland, Costa Rica and surely some more are missing. It is an interesting topic to know the different cultures that we have in the municipality and this would be a good article if they were all added

  4. Gui says:

    Belgians in 2020: 308!!!

    • Luis says:

      You live well in Spain, right?

      • Anonymous says:

        Those who have money live well, that's why they work all their lives in their countries and when they retire they come here because if you worked all your life here they wouldn't even give you enough to buy you sweets. That is why there are fewer and fewer young people in Xàbia because they go to look for work in other places where the salary gives them a living, not like here and that is why the majority of the population are foreigners and retirees. I don't understand why it bothers you so much that they come, they haven't contributed in Spain, they don't receive a pension and they spend all their money here, these people have spent their lives working just like you and I let them enjoy their retirement wherever they want, plus the the vast majority are very good citizens and much more civil than the people here, let's see if we can learn instead of complaining so much

        • Dani says:

          The only one complaining here is you. Is life good or not? That's why our pensioners don't have that overwhelming need to escape to live in other countries like all these groups of foreign retirees. Poor things suffering in their countries.

  5. Evalet Chantal says:

    Et les Suisses n'existent pas!!!!

    • Luis says:

      You Swiss are neutral, right? It is as if you did not exist. Are you registered in the Register or do you live 6 months here / 6 months there to evade taxes? That is a modality used by many foreigners among other techniques, they are called Swallows. That is why they come and that is why the institutions are interested in keeping Spain: good, beautiful, cheap and bureaucratically full of black holes.

      • Anonymous says:

        You exaggerate slightly, not all Swiss evade taxes, there are many Swiss who live here all year round, go to Balcón al Mar and see for yourself and the people who do so, yes, it is wrong to do that but if I could I would too would do, I recommend that you look up how much taxes are paid in the rest of the European countries, maybe that way you will understand why people do it

      • Chantal says:

        Quel culot, nous payons nos impôts en Suisse et en d'Espagne depuis plus 35 ans et je suis aussi (empradoner) à Javea et beaucoup de mes amis sont résidents et donc ignoranter,

      • Linda says:

        A good accuser ton
        It is not illegal if the vit plus 6 mois dans sons d'origine
        Ces personnes ont certainement leurs raisons
        Beaucoup actively participates in the economy of Javea
        Renovation in your home, gardens, poolside entertainment, restaurants

  6. Anonymous says:

    Taking into account the number of nationalities that reside in Xàbia, the international festival could already work harder, every year it is the same, now that due to the pandemic it has not been celebrated, they could do it this year better and, if possible, in a place where there are no roads to cut and where it is not so close to homes, they could begin to consider the idea of ​​taking advantage of some municipal land, which is close to the three urban centers, to prepare it as a fair or event site and start organizing events for everyone can enjoy it

    • Yo says:

      By the way, I've found out that some countries are not represented by their originals, that is, as an example: Mexico led by Venezuelans and Ecuadorians?! Is this logical and normal? He means that, whoever has money, he can do what he wants?

      • Anonymous says:

        I didn't know that, because it's a real shame because it's not the same to try it from a Mexican who knows the traditional recipe as it is from a person from another country, which can turn out very good but it's not the same grace anymore because it's about knowing the other cultures first-hand, the town hall should have all the nationalities there are, inform them of how they can participate and all that and if there is no Mexican in Xàbia, then they should have the people from the rest of the municipalities and, if necessary, with their respective municipalities. In the same way, the dances they do could be traditional dances from each country because you only see modern dance and that does not fit in an international festival, you can also do parades with the traditional clothes of each country and many more ideas but, anyway , this council only works on its festivities of San Juan and its Moors and Christians, the rest or the residents of the municipality take care of it or nothing, but look what happened with the festivities of Thiviers, which had to be paid for by those of the Association of neighbors and that it was always full, the town hall never helped and yes until the last year that they were done was 2013 because the neighbors no longer gave more of themselves

        • Luis says:

          For that there are the coveted public subsidies. How do you think parties are paid for? But to help the parts of the population with problems there are not enough resources.

  7. George THOMAS says:

    There is an error in the statistics, because the Dutch are not included and there are many of this nationality who live in Xàbia.

  8. Marcus says:

    There is an error in the text… No Belgians? I am Belgian and a registered resident in Xàbia since 2018.


    There is an error in the text of the article: the third largest nationality residing in Jávea/Xàbia comes from Morocco (with more than 800 people) and not from Colombia, which would be the fourth (with six hundred). Thanks for the article, statistics are always interesting to place the real vision of the municipality.

    • Ma Luisa Velasco says:

      If the number of registered Moroccans is added 845 official Islamic religion and Pakistan 219 people registered official Islamic religion add up to 1.064 people of this religion in Javea

    • Ma Luisa Velasco says:

      Exact. And if the number of registered Moroccans is added 845 official Islamic religion and Pakistan 219 people registered official Islamic religion add up to 1.064 people of this religion in Javea

  10. chulvicdxabia says:

    Precarious jobs, laughable salaries and closed houses.

  11. Vecino says:

    It has decreased since the PSOE entered with Chulvi at the head, the progressives call themselves.
    Jávea had 33 thousand inhabitants until now 27 thousand
    there is no future for young people the quality of life and the comforts of the town is horrible, there is a lack of labor and many infrastructures and most importantly more investment for young people to be able to guarantee their future.
