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Amjasa begins the pipe repair works and partial reconstruction of the Gorgos retaining wall

May 28 from 2020 - 14: 31

The municipal water company of Xàbia, Amjasa, has started the pipe repair works and partial reconstruction of the Gorgos retaining wall. This project, which will reopen a section of the road next to the river that has been closed to passage for years, involves an investment of 100.445 euros and is being carried out by the company Pavasal.

The work was considered urgent since the collapse suffered during the storm, Gloria left one of the main pipelines of the water network (which supplies the urban area from the desalination plant) into the air and it was vital to prevent its precarious state from ending up causing a shortage of drinking water for the population.

Previously, Amjasa had already installed a temporary pipeline to guarantee supply until the new pipeline is finished. The project, in addition, involves the reconstruction and concreting of this section of the retaining wall of the Gorgos river, which has been precarious since the 2007 flood.

Today the mayor, José Chulvi, and Amjasa's manager, Josep Lluís Henarejos, have supervised the works and learned about the company's forecast for its development.

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