Job vacancies - Society - Tourism

Xàbia, one of the tourist destinations of the visit to the Creama Employment Workshop

November 25 from 2020 - 01: 51

This week, continuing with the tour of the workshop students through the municipalities that are part of the Consortium, they have visited the historic centers of Xàbia and Pego. In this case, the student who performs the practices in the office
of tourism of Xàbia and student of the tourist info of Pego have offered informative guided tours through the historic center of each of the two municipalities.

Each student has made two guided visits so that the whole group could get to know the most emblematic places of each municipality, since due to the restrictions imposed by the COVID situation, it has been
The group of 10 students was divided into two subgroups, each supervised by one of the two professors of the specialty, making two shifts of visits, one at 09:30 and the other at 11:30.

Students of the Creama Employment Workshop

In this activity, the student who makes the visit is evaluated both on their level of knowledge of the municipality and specific contents of the certificate of professionalism as well as on their level of competence in language
English, as they combine their presentation in Spanish with a short explanation in English. The specialty has two teachers, one who imparts the content of the certificate of professionalism, and the other in a foreign language.

The workshop given by Creama has two specialties, one in the professional area of ​​Tourism and the other in that of Social and Health Care in residences.

For the development of the same Creama received a subsidy of € 464.109,60 that allows training in two jobs with job projection to 20 of our citizens at the same time as they are provided with an employment contract.

Next December, the new Creama Employment workshop project will begin, which has two new specialties in the areas of administration and cultural and recreational activities and whose practices will be
They will develop Benissa, Calp, Dénia, Gata de Gorgos, Pedreguer, Pego, Teulada and Xàbia, all of them municipalities integrated in Creama.

These projects offer students the possibility of improving their professional qualification while being offered a work contract, making the teaching of theoretical content compatible with professional practices where they can put into practice what they have learned in it.

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