
The Generalitat will invest 8 million euros in all schools in Xàbia within the 'Edificant Plan'

05 2018 April - 15: 06

Good news for Xàbia within the Edificant Plan presented this morning by the head of the Department of Education, Inma Sánchez, together with the councilor for education, Montse Villaverde and the mayor, José Chulvi.

The mayor highlighted the plan "which has a historical significance for our municipality. 1,5 million euros will be immediately invested in the educational centers of Xàbia".

For his part, Villaverde said that the Edificant Plan It will arrive at all public schools in Xàbia, "Since the Department 13 applications have been made for primary and secondary school and the first intervention will be made in the Trenc d'Alba with the construction of a gym, expansion of the dining room and kitchen, renovation of bathrooms and a children's play area. All requests have been accepted. "

The works have a budget of 1,4 million euros and in the next plenary session they will accept the powers delegations.

At Arenal school, despite being new, have requested the closure of the corridors of the two plants and playgrounds that have also been approved. At Port of Xàbia they will fill in an area of ​​passage since it was an old bed of the river and they will also install educational games.

At school Vicente Tena The construction of an emergency staircase, children's toilets, comprehensive gym reform and the construction of an elevator that will be done this summer will be carried out. At IES Antoni Llidó it will act in the construction of basic structures that were deteriorated and the soundproofing of a classroom for a student with hearing deficiencies.

At IES number 1 they are awaiting the construction of a new classroom in the same center. The councilor put figures to education investments in Xàbia with a contribution from the Generalitat of at least 8 million euros within the Edificant Plan.

El Graüll School

At Graüll, within a week, will be dictated by the Generalitat if a new center is built or a comprehensive reform is made, the decision will depend on the price difference: if the reform works are above the 55% of what would be worth a new center, we will opt for the latter. A performance that is valued between two and five million euros. In either case, the old houses of teachers that currently houses several associations will be demolished.

Chulvi announced that one of the most significant reforms will be the comprehensive reform of the El Graüll school, "The Edificant plan comes to complete the needs of the municipality along with investments in sports in existing infrastructure and with important projects that are being carried out in this legislature such as the Auditorium, the Triana bridge and the budget of the Generalitat in the 1.5 million euros are allocated for the Pool ", stressed the first mayor.

In addition, Inma Sánchez said that the Edificant Plan it goes to show that you can work between different administrations regardless of the political color of the person who governs. "This plan will not mean any dispensation for municipalities, it will be the responsibility of the Generalitat but may delegate to other administrations the construction and maintenance of educational centers"Sanchez said.

The Autonomous Secretariat of Education added that "President Puig pledged in the investiture speech to eradicate the barracks before finalizing his term, and if they still remain it is because educational centers are being built."

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