Politics - benitatxell

The mayor of Benitatxell reports that the group Compromís pacta with the mayor Nieves García to lower the salaries

20 September 2017 - 11: 10

The mayor of El Poble Nou de Benitatxell, Josep Femenia, has sent a letter to the Vice-President of the Generalitat and leader of Compromís, Monica Oltra, to report that his political group in Benitatxell has allied with "A councilor suspected of corruption to take the salaries of the councilors of the government and the mayor in the call for an extraordinary plenary session", since they rule in minority.

Femenia points out in the letter that Compromis has not chosen the "best travel companion" referring to the mayor Nieves García who is processed "since the judge ordered that an oral trial be opened against her for the crimes of signature and scam".

The opposition will claim in the plenary session that the mayor will lower his salary of 1.300 euros to 600 euro and the councilors, who perceive the same as the citizen, remain with 250 euros and have a minimum dedication of 30% of the day.

For its part, the leader of I-MA, the mayor Nieves Garcia, affirmed that there is no pact and that the opposition "You only exercise your right to request an extraordinary plenary session".

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