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Xàbia organizes a class for the elderly on the use of ATMs

May 23 from 2022 - 12: 55

The Department of Care for the Elderly Javea Town Hall offers this Tuesday, May 24, a basic financial training workshop for the elderly.

The course will be at 18:30 p.m. in the Social Center cafeteria and no prior registration is required. As explained by the councilor Rita Berruti, attendees will learn how to manage and carry out basic banking services at the teller that in recent times the banking entities have stopped offering free of charge at the teller window.

The training, which will be given by municipal staff, tries to bring new technologies closer to a group such as retirees, in some cases, unaccustomed to handling them and who are increasingly in need of learning to carry out day-to-day tasks. day.

  1. Lorenza says:

    It would be interesting if this information is available a few days in advance so that one can organize it.

  2. Jose says:

    Están casi todos los cajeros en la calle.los mayores somos vulnerables,los bancos dicen que nos defendamos con la tarjeta 9 la libreta.para ellos un encargo tenemos ?? pero fuerza…..pues no.vosotros pensáis que es cuestión de tiempo.( En 20años ) todos los ignorantes que os pagamos la carrera estaremos muertos.SE ACABÓ EL PROBLEMA.
