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Xàbia lives a massive offering of flowers to the Virgin of Loreto 2022

07 September 2022 - 08: 23

The celebration of the 125th anniversary of the festivities in honor of the Virgin of Loreto de Xàbia is being special and with it, the neighborhood participation is numerous. Last night the act of offering flowers to the Mare de Déu de Loreto took place.

Peñas, representatives of the different local festive entities, mayorales, mayoralesas and presidents of the Festival Commission of recent years and those of this 2022 were part of the tour carried out through the streets of Duanes de la Mar until their arrival at the Parroquia de Nuestra Lady of Loretto On the street, hundreds of neighbors and visitors awaited his passage.

Upon reaching the interior of the Church, the participants gave their flowers to the Virgin and to finish it was sung, by all those present and the parish choir, the Salve Marinera.

  1. Laura says:

    No need to do Because there are people who carry religion inside and demonstrate it with their actions, not calling the list in church

  2. parishioner says:

    Well, what a surprise to see so many people in the offering of flowers to the Virgin of Loreto 2022, no one I saw goes to Mass, ever.
