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Xàbia held this Saturday the feast of Saint Lucia with its traditional pilgrimage

11 December 2014 - 11: 48

Saturday December 13, Xàbia will pay homage to the patron saint of sight, Saint Lucia and artillery, Santa Barbara. The arrival of the last month of the year not only means, in the town, the celebration of Christmas. Santa Lucia and Santa Barbara have their day stage in a day of living, devotion and fraternal spirit whose central act the pilgrimage to the highest chapel in the municipality.

Will take place tomorrow Friday Crida of Festa, Act with which the festeros call the neighbors to share her joy on the eve of the celebration. Accompanied by romantic Saladar, the overseers of this year will come in handing out donuts and sweet wine parade through the streets of the Historic Center up the street from St. Lucia. There they ofrendarán a bouquet of flowers to the saint in its niche and trigger an traca.

Saint Lucia procession travels outside his hermitage

On Saturday, very early, the old town will wake up to the sound of music and gunpowder. At 8 a.m. there will be an awakening that will be enlivened by the Xirimitabs group. At 10 a.m., the municipal and religious authorities, the brotherhood of Santa Lucía and residents who wish to attend will go on a pilgrimage from the parish of San Bartolomé to the Hermitage of Santa Lucia. Afterwards, the celebration of a Eucharist is scheduled that will end with the procession, around the hermitage, of the two saints. Subsequently, the festeros will invite all attendees to chocolate and sweets.

As the holiday coincides on Saturday, and does not fall during the week, a greater influx of people is expected compared to other years.

The mayorales and mayoralesas of Santa Lucía in 2014 are: Pepa Buigues Ivars, Alberto Tur Miralles, Laura Buigues Castilla, Noelia Ahuir Buigues, Tere Catalá Cabrera, Simón Buigues Catalá, Vicente Ahuir Buigues, Simón Buigues Castilla, Teresa Buigues Ros, Mª Ángeles Caballero Mata, David Ros Llidó, Isabel Pedrós Navajas, Rosa María Soriano Cholbi, Rosa Buigues Catalá, Mª Ángeles Mata Cardona, Paquita Ros Vivens, Joan Fernández Galán, Aníbal Rincón Gómez, Bernarda Cardona Sapena, María Buigues Ros, Ana Sivera Sala, Rosa Catala Vallés.

1 Comment
  1. Paloma says:

    I have attended the pilgrimage, I have climbed the road to the hermitage with a couple of European friends who spend seasons in the area and who do so much well with it (they always involve consumption well-being for local businesses) and I have once again felt ashamed outside when finding in the access to the hermitage great amount of dirt by the floor, papers, plastics, bottles, butts, dog excrements, etc. As usual!! Is it that the cleaning services cannot get there even once a year and upgrade the area even if it is "facing the gallery" on the eve of the annual pilgrimage? I don't want to think about how it will be tomorrow after so many people pass by today. Suspense in cleaning for the I. City Hall and for its citizens!
