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IROX's opinion: "Economy sense sanejament"

August 08 from 2022 - 10: 08

Aquests dies hem viscut uns unpleasant episodes of marine contamination when the authorities have been obliged, unusually, to block the l'Arenal beach due to the events that come from any product-it is sensed that the public administration is responsible for avoiding an unacceptable situation our natural environment, but also for the people who went to gaudir d'un bany.

From now on, IROX has been requesting that the analyzes of the waste of the purifiers that they have the obligation to practice be facilitated. But not alone we have not obtained a response, but rather they are going to find a whole system that, distributed among various administrations, was almost impossible to establish. Tot a system to hide the data of the environment that haurien d'estar a disposition of the population, transparency of which they speak so much and that they do not practice.

In all you consult them that they have fet, with how we are going to promote the execution of the management plan of the LIC Penya-segats de La Marina, which will take more than the time established by the law to carry it out, and that finally we will achieve that them
regional and state administrations will agree to carry it out (wait for the finalization), IROX has always been especially committed to the challenges that both purifiers and a third-world system of faecal waters lead to our sea, and we have We demand actions to regulate them and pose them, where the life and survival of the larvae of these named species depend on keeping the coastal waters in perfect condition.

It could be the case that a population like Xàbia, with approximately 27.000 inhabitants and that does not have a sufficient number of brutes for the population itself, has faced more than 100.000 inhabitants at the summer, follow one of the problems, but això yes, the authorities have not deixat mai d'anar to the fires of tourism to get them to face more, which is a scam as much for the native population as for the visitor.

Such a return would be the time that the authorities are planning to change the municipal model, which is for the protection of the territory and for an economy that is more respectful of the environment in which we live, which I will not say is not still compatible, and is not leave the current economic model alone and exclusively in the hands of builders and tourism out of favor, which are poorly patint. Sectors such as agriculture, fishing, xicotet, trade and even industry are totally abandoned by the administrations and by many of the politicians of all the colors that have passed through the different administrations, because the large economic groups of each sector are monopolizing all market quota.

It is because of this that if we change a card tot this disproportionate quest we can get people to demand solutions and it is not just left in criticism. We need that the workers, the businessmen, the pensioners, the tourists, those who have a boat and those who do not, all and cadascú of those who at some point lived here do not agree with the absurd explanations that they donate and what, unfortunately with what we expect, Miraculosament s'haja obert la platja a penis uns dies després quan això és impossible.

I for això hem d'demigir to the administrations efficient actions to modify all plegat:

  • Demand analyzes of the sewage tank of the sewage treatment plants, to determine the quality of the water spills, controlling all the spills that the public pool releases into the sea.
  • Review the documents of the Q, documents that reflect the public situation of the purge based on what was sent to Europe.
  • Collect all the public results of bathing waters carried out by the ministry and that are public on the «Náyade» website («Bathing water information system»).
  • Publish the analyzes carried out by the city council on the beach.
  • Publish the results of the hydrological plans and the measures of inclosed purification in the area.
  • Provide by part of the City Council or the Generalitat a history of works.
  • Require all the xalets to have a waste disposal system compatible with the environment, as well as effective control by the administration, denying authorizations to constructions that do not comply.
  • Forcing all declared tourist habitats to have a watertight deposit or connection to the sanitation network, obligatòriament, or the condition of tourist habitat is not donated. If we do not have the capacity to guarantee adequate infrastructures at the population level, we cannot continue to accept the indiscriminate increase in visitors, since we will also not be able to guarantee the conditions of a modern society and not this shameful aberrant situation.

To dismantle the resources that are supposed to be produced by the tourist activity and that is the cause of the increase in these imbalances, we demand that the "Government" provide brutal returns in VAT on all these activities, reinvest in all that so many diners li dona.

On this subject, the vast majority of society is in agreement, it is not going to continue destroying the state of our natural environment, especially our greatest resources, the sea, and when the majority will do something, democracy is possible and if it is not fa els haurien responsible for resigning. Remember the politicians that the first obligation is to improve the quality of life of the population and if they are not fans they do not deserve the support that they have donated.

Environment Department
Oceanographic Research Institute of Xàbia (IROX)

  1. Xabienc says:

    From this extensive article that I consider very informative, I find several contradictions. One is to criticize extensive tourism and on the other hand to criticize the little or no support for commercial development including restoration. Xabia would be a small town with a minimum livelihood economy and I don't think the columnist would like to be so far behind in development. Criticizing is very easy, but providing ideas for progress is much more difficult.

    • Luis says:

      You say: "Criticizing is very easy but contributing ideas for progress is much more difficult"... So why is that what you are doing? You criticize and do not provide any idea of ​​progress or anything, while the article clearly explains the situation and the ideas of progress. If you don't like them or don't agree with them is another matter, but your attitude anchored in the dandruff, involutionary and peasant "tourism feeds us"... has no progress. Times change and now it's time to evolve.

  2. tathe says:

    Good morning, I agree with the article on many things… I am sorry that it is not in all of them, since unfortunately the increase in population, not only local, but worldwide, many times, and this is the case of Xàbia, leads to an excessive growth of towns, especially in the summer. growth that our authorities - local and regional politicians - should contemplate, preventing and being prepared and rising to the occasion, which is not the case.
    We have to live with progress, but always RESPECTING our environment, and of course the Environment, and in this I fully agree with the article.
    One more thing, and although it may not touch….. I introduce the comment and transfer it and compare it with the garbage collection service, a nonsense right now, which also deserves the reflection of our politicians and immediate action. As I am from Valencia, but I have some that are missing spelling in my own language, I will find the translation on Google…

    Good morning, many things coincided with the article… I felt that I did not follow all of them, since unfortunately the increase in population, not local, but worldwide, many neighborhoods, and this is the case of Xàbia, involves an excessive growth of the towns especially in summer time…. I believe that our authorities haurien to contemplate, prevent and are prepared and the rise of the circumstances, which is not there.
    We de conviure amb el progrés, but always RESPECTANT el nostre entorn, i per descomptat el Medi Ambient, y en això fully coincide amb l'article.
    One more thing, and I face that potser does not touch …….. I introduced in the commentary and the transfer and compared both the service of recollida d'escommbraries, an inappropriateness for mateix, which also deserved to be reflected by our politicians and an immediate action.


    These days we have experienced some unpleasant episodes of marine pollution when the authorities have been forced, unusually, to close the Arenal beach due to spills that have been occurring for years without any public administration doing anything to avoid an unacceptable situation for our natural environment, but also by people who want to enjoy a bath.

    For years, the IROX has already requested that we be provided with the analyzes of the discharges from the sewage treatment plants that they are obliged to carry out by law. But not only have we not received a response, but they found a whole system that, distributed among several administrations, made it almost impossible to find out anything. A whole system to hide the environmental data that should be available to the population, a transparency that they talk about so much and that they do not practice.
    Image: Xàbia treatment plant installations Xàbia treatment plant installations

    In all the consultations that have been made to us, such as when we promoted the execution of the management plan of the SCI Acantilados de La Marina, which took more than the time established by law to carry it out, and that we finally managed to get the
    regional and state administrations will agree to carry it out (we are still awaiting completion), the IROX has always made special mention of the discharges that both treatment plants and a third-world sewage system discharge into our sea, and we have requested actions to regulate them and put an end to them, since the life and survival of the larvae of numerous species depend on keeping the coastal waters in perfect condition.

    It may be that a town like Jávea, with approximately 27.000 inhabitants and that does not have a sufficient sewage network for the population itself, has to deal with more than 100.000 inhabitants in summer, it is one of the problems, but yes, the authorities have never stopped going to tourism fairs to get even more to come, which is a scam for both the native population and the visitor.

    Perhaps it would be time for the authorities to consider a change in the municipal model, which would ensure the protection of the territory and an economy that is more respectful of the environment in which we live, which does not mean that it is not compatible, and not leave the current economic model solely and exclusively in the hands of builders and unbridled tourism that we are unfortunately suffering from. Sectors such as agriculture, fishing, small businesses and even industry, being totally abandoned by the administrations and therefore by the politicians of all colors who have passed through the different administrations, given that the large economic groups in each sector are hoarding the entire market share.

    That is why if we want to change all that nonsense a little we must get people to demand solutions and not just criticize. We need workers, businessmen, pensioners, tourists, those who have a boat and those who don't, each and every one of us who at some point lives here not to be satisfied with the absurd explanations they give us and what, unfortunately, as we expected, miraculously the beach was opened just a few days later when this is impossible.

    And that is why we must demand efficient actions from the administrations to modify all of this:

    Require analytics of the sewage treatment plant outlet chamber, to know the quality of the water discharged, controlling all the discharges that the public network throws into the sea.
    Review the documents of the Q, documents that collect the public situation of the purge based on what is sent to Europe.
    Collect all the public bathing water results carried out by the ministry and which are public on the Náyade website (Bathing Water Information System).
    Publish the analytics carried out by the city council on the beach.
    Publish the results of the hydrological plans and the purification measures included in the area.
    Provide by the City Council or the Generalitat a history of works.
    Require all villas to have a waste disposal system compatible with the environment, with effective control by the administration, denying authorizations to constructions that do not have it.
    Forcing all declared tourist homes to have a watertight deposit or connection to the sanitation network, compulsorily, or the condition of tourist housing is not given. If we do not have the capacity to guarantee adequate infrastructures at the population level, we cannot continue to accept the indiscriminate increase in visitors, to whom we will not be able to guarantee the conditions of a modern society and not this shameful aberrant situation.

    Of course we need the resources that tourist activity is supposed to produce and that take charge of the increase in these imbalances, demanding the Government, which extracts brutal returns in VAT from all these activities, to reinvest in what it gives so much money.

    On this issue, the vast majority of society agrees, we do not want to continue destroying the state of our natural environment, especially our greatest resource, the sea, and when the majority wants something, democracy is to make it possible and if it is not done Those responsible should resign. We remind politicians that their first obligation is to improve the quality of life of their population and if they do not do so, they do not deserve the support that the population has given them.

    Department of the Environment
    Xàbia Oceanographic Research Institute (IROX)

  4. Charly says:

    I don't understand Valencian, can you translate it

    • Luis says:

      I'm going to tell you a secret, if you copy the text, paste it into Google translate, and choose the options from Catalan to Spanish, it gives you the perfect translation. Try it, remember to choose the Catalan option because the Valencian option, the Google translator does not contemplate it.

  5. IgnacioG says:

    Excellent writing. Totally agree.
