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Exhibition at the Casa del Cable 'Hendi'

  1. Claude Vols says:

    Toute the vision of the world that is within the quotidien. Fine observation des rapports sociaux, squeezed in couleur. Des images fixes pleines de mouvement. L'artiste laisse parler son esperance, et cela dans a style qui lui est totalement personnel. Le trait est vif, et fait apparaître toute la maîtrise picturale de l'artiste. More than the de la technique, it is quand me rare in the painting dite "modern", that the work presented nous fait voyager. On devine toute l'humanité de Hendi

    All the vision of the world that surrounds you on a daily basis. Good observation of social relationships, expressed in color. Still images full of movement. The artist lets his hope speak for itself, and this in a style that is totally personal to him. The line is alive and reveals the entire domain of the painter over the artist. But beyond the technique, it is still rare in so-called "modern" painting that each work presented takes us on a journey.
    We guess all the humanity of Hendi

  2. Ariane boulanger says:

    Très belle exposition, a travail de qualité. A vrai plaisir pour les yeux. To recommander
