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The PSOE organizes a talk on 'els nous reptes de l'educació'

Event Date: March 15th 2023
Event type: Talk / conference
Place: Library of Duanes de la Mar
TIMETABLE: 18: 00 hours
Event finished

The educational system faces new challenges every day in a world in constant transformation. From how to motivate students to how to personalize learning to enhance the strengths of each student. Or how to motivate teachers to constantly update themselves or know how to manage diversity in the classroom and guarantee a healthy and inclusive coexistence are some of the questions that arise every day among the educational community. Defenders of education as a basic tool for social transformation and to balance inequalities.

Faced with this situation, the PSOE of Xàbia has organized for next Wednesday, March 15, the conference 'The new reptes of education', a forum for people or groups involved in the sector to share concerns and debate the keys to current education and the challenges that arise. It will be at 18:00 p.m. in the Duanes Library and is open to all interested people, from teachers to families or other groups - for example sports or extracurricular instructors - who deal with children or adolescents.

At the table of the colloquium will be Miquel Soler, Autonomous Secretary of Education and Vocational Training and professor of Mathematics in Secondary Education. Soler has been a professor in various institutes of the Community and head of the Innovation and Experimental Reforms Program of the Ministry of Education since 1987, as well as head of the Teacher Training Service. He also has experience in the Ministry of Education where he held the position of Deputy Director General from 1992 to 1996 and Director General of Vocational Training (2008-2012).

Together with him, representatives of the educational sector of Xàbia will participate, such as Amparo Cortell -director of IES Antoni Llidó-, Isabel Moreno -director of CEIP Port of Xàbia- and Montse Villaverde -Councilor for Education of the Javea Town Hall-, the last two members of the local candidacy.

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  1. indignant says:

    You all know, one more partisan and electoral act. It is not about informing or training, but about seeking the vote.
