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The promoter of the campaign 'I'm older. No idiot' will bring Xàbia closer to his fight to recover face-to-face attention in banks

Event Date: March 03th 2023
Event type: Talk / conference
Place: Duanes Library
TIMETABLE: 18: 00 hours
Event finished

The council of Servicios Sociales and Attention to the Elderly of Xàbia has programmed for Friday, March 3, a talk by Carlos San Juan de Laorden, the Valencian who promoted "I am older. No idiot”, a successful
collection of signatures to demand personal attention in bank branches.

San Juan, a retired doctor, put on the table the problems of the elderly to adapt to a new digital society and lit the fuse of a claim to which more than 600.000 people have joined so that banks offer more humane and dignified treatment the elderly, excluded by the accelerated digitization process.

The campaign started by this retired doctor forced the signing of a protocol between the Ministry of Economy and the banks and crossed the Spanish borders in a very short time. His cry resounded almost all over the world and some of the main international newspapers devoted lengthy articles to this cause.

Now, he will tell his experience in Xàbia. he will be the Friday, March 3, at 18:00 p.m. in the Duanes Library, a talk open to anyone interested.

The Councilor for Attention to the Elderly, Rita BerrutiHe hopes that listening to this testimony will serve as a motivating experience and, at the same time, put the focus back on the need for banks to be sensitive when it comes to serving their customers and recover face-to-face attention thinking of groups such as the elderly who They have difficulty coping with technology.

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  1. Carlos Alonso de Celada says:

    I want to thank Mr. Sanjuan for all the effort made. I would love to be able to contact him for which I am sending you my email. My support for all initiatives that help the New Active Generations. A cordial greeting.

  2. Antonio Quintero Naranjo says:

    I absolutely adhere to the initiative against banks and official organizations
