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Duanes de la Mar Health Center in Jávea: address, telephone number and hours

November 11 from 2021 - 15: 52
Avenue of the Botanical Cabanilles, 15 See map
96 642 96 60 or 96 564 86 04
Monday through Friday from 8: 00 14 to: 00 hours

The Duanes de la Mar Health Center is also known as the Port of Jávea Health Center. The building was inaugurated in September 2000 to serve the residents and residents of the fishing district due to the increase in the population of Xàbia.


This health center, made up of two floors, provides services for Family and Community Medicine, Pediatrics, Nursing and Extractions. In addition, the Family and Mental Planning consultation is also provided in this health center, providing care every Monday of the month, as well as the Midwife consultation and preparation for childbirth.


Avenue of the Botanical Cabanilles, 15 -
  1. cheryl mccallum says:

    Do I have to make an appointment for my flu jab, covid jab and shingle jab?


  2. jean osbourne says:

    I have an appointmebnt for a covid and flu injection but at which health center do I attend?
    Constitution Square or Duanes?
